Láttátok már a Drakulics elvtárs című filmet? Ha nem, akkor irány a mozi:)
Dracula in Disguise: Comrade Drakulich
Vampires are among us! At least in the newest Hungarian box office hit, Drakulics elvtárs (Comrade Drakulich) from the writer-director of Isteni műszak (Heavenly Shift), Márk Bodzsár. If you love dark humour, vampires and the ‘70s, you will not want to miss this production. Let’s see what will bring us in front of the big screens this season.
Vampires in the ‘70s
Márk Bodzsár’s new movie will take you back to Hungary in the 1970s and will spice things up with a mysterious bloodsucking creature. In this retro-vampire-comedy, there will be no shortage of humour, crime and exciting adventures. A strange new being arrives in Hungary and is wanted by the secret service. This newcomer is surrounded by secrets and apparently the special power of being ageless. Agents are working day and night trying to catch the creature and uncover his secrets.
All of your favourite actors in one movie
Head over to the cinemas and discover many familiar faces in Comrade Drakulich. Starring Ervin Nagy, Zsolt Nagy, and Lili Walters, the show invites you for an immersive cinematic experience. Among the strong cast, you can find Szabolcs Thuróczy as the leading agent, Alexandra Borbély, Tibor Bödőcs, Móni Balsai, Roland Rába, and many other talented actors and actresses, trying to solve this twisted mystery of comrade Drakulich.
A story as you’d never seen before
Prepare some garlic, cover your neck and don’t be fooled by vampire tricks. Although they are among the people the counterintelligence is working hard and is already following their wake trying to stop them. Comrade Drakulich presents a story of vampires as you’d never seen before. Eventful, humorous and dark – everything you need to enjoy the hunt.
The story starts with comrade Fábián’s (played by Zsolt Nagy) visit to Hungary to open a blood donation event. However, something is clearly wrong with him. Comrade Fábián is supposed to be an old warrior man, but instead, he appears to be a handsome 30-something young gent. His cool style and attractive look are irresistible for young women. He drives a blood-red Mustang and he is tireless in bed – which makes him even more wanted. The counterintelligence wants to have what he has: the ability to stop ageing. However, agents will have to fight the battle as comrade Fábián is not willing to give away his secret to them.
The only way to catch Fábián is by getting close to him. One of the agents, Mária (played by Lili Walters) attempts to gain the suspect’s confidence while becoming more confident herself. Meanwhile, her boyfriend, Laci (played by Ervin Nagy) can’t help but go crazy of jealousy while trying to help his love on the field. Comrade Esvégh (played by Szabolcs Thuróczy) is leading the operation with more or less success as he has limited experience in hunting vampires.
They all work for one goal: figuring out the secret of the eternal comrade and why he is longing for the female comrades’ delicately curved necks. No training can prepare the secret agents and spies for what is about to happen…
Find out how the story ends and what comrade Fábián’s secret is and how your favourite secret agents will handle this new kind of mystery. Head over to the closest movie theatre and take your family for a funny and twisting feature film.
by Kitti Bába
box office hit |
kasszasiker |
comrade |
elvtárs |
production |
produkció |
to spice things up |
megfűszerezni |
mysterious |
rejtélyes |
bloodsucking |
vérszívó |
no shortage of sg |
nincs hiány valamiből |
newcomer |
újonc |
ageless |
kortalan |
day and night |
éjjel-nappal |
to uncover |
feltárni, leleplezni |
starring |
főszerepben |
immersive |
magával ragadó |
twisted |
csavaros |
garlic |
fokhagyma |
counterintelligence |
kémelhárítás |
to follow one’s wake |
követni a nyomát |
eventful |
eseménydús |
played by |
játssza |
blood donation |
véradás |
warrior |
harcos |
30-something |
30 év körüli |
irresistible |
ellenálhatatlan |
blood-red |
vérvörös |
tireless |
fáradhatatlan |
to be willing to do sg |
hajlandó megtenni valamit |
suspect |
gyanúsított |
jealousy |
féltékenység |
to figure out |
kitalálni |
eternal |
örökéletű |
delicately curved |
finoman ívelt |
feature film |
játékfilm |