Ma ismét a hallás utáni értést fogjuk gyakorolni, ezúttal három szintre (alap-, közép-, és felsőfokra is) készítettem neked feladatokat, természetesen szöveggel és megoldással együtt.
A hanganyagokat meg is tudod hallgatni, de le is tudod tölteni.
Ha lemaradtál a korábbiakról, akkor ezeket itt nézheted meg: KORÁBBI LECKÉK
Jó tanulást!
az audiókat itt hallgathatod meg:
Alapfok (B1)
A szöveg meghallgatása után válaszd ki a helyes megoldást és jelöld meg azt az értékelő lapon.
1. Mr. Jock’s parents are French.
2. James is a year older than his sister.
3. Pauline is French.
4. The Jock family uses their pool in the summer.
5. James and Miriam aren’t nice.
Középfok (B2)
Olvasd el a feladatot. A szöveg meghallgatása után válaszold meg a kérdéseket!
Royal Fan Plays Safe
1. Mit tett a legelső rajongója a királyi családnak? (1)
2. Mivel volt felszerelkezve? (2)
3. Mit szándékozik tenni? (3)
4. Pontosan mikor és miért pont akkor kezdte el várakozását? (5)
5. Mit mond az időjárással kapcsolatosan a rajongó? (3)
Felsőfok (C1)
Olvasd el a feladatot. A szöveg meghallgatása után válaszold meg a kérdéseket!
Commuting impacts job satisfaction – poll
1. Mit tudunk meg 5 millió amerikai dolgozóról? (2)
2. Milyen összefüggésre derített fényt a Harris Interactive felmérés a munkahely és ingázás tekintetében? (2)
3. Mi növelheti a dolgozók elégedettségét? (2)
4. Milyen közlekedési megoldásokat említettek a kérdezett dolgozók? (5)
5. Ha kevesebbet kellene ingázniuk, mivel töltenék a szabdidejüket a kérdezettek? (4)
Alapfok (B1) hanganyag szövege:
Mr John Jock is my new French teacher. He is 45 years old. He comes from Manchester but he studied and lived in France for years. His mother is French too, so he knows French really well. He has two children, a son and a daughter. They both go to our school. His son is called James and he is 6th grade. His daughter Miriam is 10 and she is in 5th grade. Mr Jock is a very kind and patient teacher. He is also my neighbor. His family lives right next to our house on Bundy Road. Mr. Jock’s mother, Pauline lives with them too. She travels a lot so I rarely see her. The Jock family has a pool in their garden and I can see them swimming in the summer from my bedroom window. They sometimes ask me to watch over their kids and I enjoy it very much. Mr Jock’s children are nice kids and we play a lot together when I am their babysitter. When I grow up I want to be like Mr Jock. I want to teach children foreign languages. Right now I am learning French, but I already know Spanish very well.
Középfok (B2) hanganyag szövege:
Royal Fan Plays Safe
The first royal fan has reserved himself a spot outside the Westminster Abbey to watch the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. John Loughrey, 56, has set up camp on the pavement across the road from the famous abbey, equipped only with a sleeping bag and two Union Jack carrier bags, and intends to remain there all week to beat the tens of thousands of spectators expected and ensure a good view of the event on Friday.
“I am a royalist and there’s a lot of royalists in this country,” Loughrey, a long-time fan of Prince William’s late mother Diana, told Reuters on Tuesday.
“I came here on bank holiday Monday, on the 25th of April, I came here exactly at five o’clock when the Big Ben chimed five times because it spells Diana’s name, D-I-A-N-A,” he added.
The former chef chatted happily with a swarm of reporters and television crews. Despite chilly weather, he wore only a t-shirt emblazoned with a picture of the royal couple, a banner printed with a similar image tied around his waist over his trousers, and sported a Union Jack knitted hat.
“I hope it doesn’t rain on the day, but if it does, us British are very used to it,” he said, adding that fans of the wedding would simply open up their Union Jack umbrellas.
Loughrey, whose partner died of skin cancer in 2003, said he had camped outside the Royal Courts of Justice for three days in October 2007 during an inquest into Diana’s death in a car crash 10 years earlier.
“Diana would be very proud of her son Prince William and Catherine’s marriage and Prince Harry as best man.
source: Reuters
Felsőfok (A1) hanganyag szövege:
Commuting impacts job satisfaction – poll
Commuting might not make you unwell but a new survey of U.S. employees showed that four percent, or 5 million people, have called in sick because they could not face the trek to work. The Harris Interactive poll commissioned by The Workforce Institute also revealed that 48 percent of people said commuting has a significant impact on their job satisfaction and 32 percent considered the commute when they chose their current job.
“Where possible, putting policies in place to allow employees to travel during non-peak hours or work from home employee satisfaction, without a negative impact on the bottom line,” said Joyce Maroney, the director of the institute, a workplace issues think tank, said is a statement.
Eighty three percent of workers questioned in the survey said they drove to work alone and nine percent used a carpool. Only 11 percent of workers opted for mass transit, 10 percent said they walked to work and some people used more than one mode of transport to commute. Fifteen percent of people who took part in the online survey said they would change jobs for a shorter commute and said the time spent commuting had a negative impact on their life-work balance.
“Managers should be mindful of the time their employees spend commuting as our survey shows it has a significant impact on job satisfaction,” said Maroney.
One-third of workers said their round-trip commute was between 30 minutes and an hour, while 16 percent spent between one and two hours getting back and forth to work. Nearly everyone had a nightmare, or worst commute ever story, with seven percent saying it had taken five hours or more, and another 30 percent spending more than two hours. Only six percent of workers are paid for the time they spent commuting and just 14 percent of adults who commute have the option of working from home. If workers could spend less time commuting 50 percent said they would use the extra time to sleep, 42 percent said they would relax, 33 percent would spend more time with their family and 28 would exercise.
source: Reuters
1)F, 2)T, 3)T, 4)T, 5)F
1. Helyet foglalt, hogy láthassa a királyi esküvőt.
2. Egy hálózsák és két Union Jack táska volt nála.
3. Egész héten ott marad, hogy megelőzze a sok ezer várható nézőt, és jó nézőhelyet biztosítson magának a pénteki eseményre.
4. Hétfőn, április 25-én pontosan 5 órakor amikor a Big Ben ötöt üt, mert az Diana hercegnő nevének betűszáma is.
5. Reméli, hogy nem esik majd az eső, de ha igen,az se baj, mert hozzá vannak szokva és a rajongók egyszerűen csak kinyitják majd az ernyőiket.
1. Már jelentettek beteget, mert nem tudtak szembenézni a hosszú utazással.
2. A kérdezettek 48 százaléka vallotta, hogy jelenős hatással volt az ingázás munkahelyi elégedettségükkel, és 32 százalékuk mérlegelte az ingázást munkakereséskor.
3. Megengedni a dolgozóknak, hogy csúcsidőn kivül utazzanak vagy otthonról dolgozzanak.
4. 80 % egyedül vezetett a munkahelyére, 9 % gyorsforgalmi sávot használt, csak 11% választotta a tömegközlekedést, 10% gyalog ment és néhányan több mint egy közlekedési módot használt ingázása során.
5. 50% aludna, 42% pihenne, 33 % a családjával töltené idejét, 28% edzene