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The Color Psychology of Yellow
Some of the key characteristics that are often associated with the color yellow include:
Warmth: Yellow is often described as cheery and warm.
Difficult to read: Yellow is also the most tiring color to the eye because it reflects a high amount of light. Using yellow as a background on paper or computer monitors can be very tiring to the eye and can lead to blindness in extreme cases.
Frustration: Yellow can also create feelings of frustration and anger. While it is considered a cheerful color, people are more likely to get angry in yellow rooms and babies cry more in yellow rooms.
Attention-grabbing: Since yellow is the most visible color, it is also the most attention-getting color. It is bright and immediately grabs the eye. It can be used in small amount to draw attention, for example, on traffic signs.
Energetic: Yellow is often seen as being a high-energy color. It can seem fresh and intense. It is often used in situations and products that create feelings of excitement or energy.
Aggressive: Yellow can be an energetic color, but this intensity can also have a downside. Sometimes it seems very aggressive. In great quantities, people may become irritated or angry in a yellow environment.
For many people, yellow is a bright and cheerful color. Advertisers may use it to not only draw attention but also to create a feeling of happiness and joy.
1. Milyen hatással van a sárga szín a szemre és miért?
2. Milyen negatív érzelmi hatása lehet?
3. Miért használják közlekedési táblákon?
4. Milyennek tűnhet a sárga amiatt, hogy energikus szín?
5. Milyen hátránya lehet ennek az energikusságnak?
6. Mire használják a reklámiparban?
source: verywellmind.com
The Color Psychology of Yellow
1. Fárasztó, mert sok fényt tükröz vissza. Vaksághoz is vezethet (szélsőséges esetekben).
2. Frusztrálttá és mérgessé tehet. Sárga szobákban az emberek inkább lehetnek mérgesek és a babák többet sírnak.
3. Figyelemfelkeltő hatása miatt.
4. Frissnek és intenzívnek.
5. Agresszívnek tűnhet, az emberek idegesek és mérgesek lehetnek egy sárga környezetben.
6. Figyelemfelkeltésre, és arra, hogy boldog, vidám érzéseket hozzanak létre.