Ma ismét képleírás lesz a téma, ismét szöveggel, szószedettel és letölthető hanganyaggal, ezúttal foci témában, alap-, közép-, és felsőfokon.
Ne feledd, hogy ismét kapható mindkét 5 Perc Angol önállóan használható tankönyv is, így az 5 Perc Angol Kezdőknek és Újrakezdőknek (kedző szinttől alapfokig) és az Újrakezdőknek és Középhaladóknak is (újrakezdő szinttől akár a középfokú nyelvvizsga kapujáig). Mindkét könyvet (amelyekhez munkafüzet és letölthető hanganyag is tartozik) megvásárolhatod webáruházunkban, vagy személyesen is szerkesztőségünkben. Klikkelj a képekre a részletes leírásért, tartalomért és vásárlásért!
Jó tanulást,
Alapfok B1
In the picture, we can see a group of young people watching a football match on TV. We can see only their backs. They seem to be happy and they are cheering for the teams. They are holding glasses and bottles in their hands. I don’t know what they are drinking. People usually like drinking beer when they watch a football match. The footballers on the screen are wearing blue and red jerseys but I can’t tell which two teams are playing. Football is a ball game in which eleven players play against eleven players from the other team. The aim is to kick or head the ball into the goal. In the goal, there stands a goalkeeper who shouldn’t let the ball into the goal. I think it’s a hard task.
When I was a child I played football almost every day. I went to training regularly and we had matches at the weekend. There were a few boys in the neighbourhood who liked playing football as much as I did. After school when I was ready with my homework we went together to the football pitch nearby and played until it was dark and we had to go home. Nowadays, unfortunately, I don’t have time to do any sports.
to cheer for– drukkolni
beer – sör
jersey – mez
aim – cél
to kick – rúgni, berúgni
to head- fejelni, befejelni
goal – focikapu
goalkeeper – kapus
training – edzés
football pitch – focipálya