Ez a párbeszéd hasznos lehet, ha valakit angolul szeretnél randira hívni! A szöveget meg is hallgathatod és le is töltheted!
Letölthető tartalmak
Asking someone for a date – Valakit randira hívunk
Man: Hi Linda, how are you?
Woman:Hi, I’m fine. How are things?
Man: Not bad. You like comedies, don’t you? Have you seen the new Robin Williams movie?
Woman: Not yet.
Man: Have you got any plans for Saturday afternoon? I thought we could go together.
Woman: I’m not sure. I have to ask the girls what they’re planning. There was some talk of going clubbing.
Man: I see. How about Friday then? After dinner?
Woman:Friday sounds good. But I finish at 8.
Man: No problem. Do you fancy some sushi?
Woman:Not really. The thing is I’m allergic to seafood. Can we have something else?
Man:Of course, sorry, I didn’t realize. Would I seem too boring if I suggested pizza instead?
Woman:I like Italian food.
Man:There’s this tiny restaurant with the best pizza in town. They have a proper pizza oven and an Italian pizza chef. Shall I come and pick you up after work?
Woman:Thanks. I’ll be ready to go by 8.15.
Man:And I’ll get the cinema tickets as well.
Woman:No need for that. I like to pay my way. See you on Friday then!
How are things? – Mi újság? Mi a helyzet?
Not bad. – Elég jó./Nem rossz.
Have you seen …? – Láttad már …?
Have you got any plans for Saturday? – Van programod szombatra?
I’m not sure. – Nem is tudom.
There was some talk of … – Arról volt szó, hogy …/Szóba került, hogy …
I see. – Értem.
sounds good – jól hangzik
The thing is … – Az a helyzet, hogy …
Sorry, I didn’t realize. – Bocsánat, nem tudtam.
No need for that. – Nem szükséges.
See you on Friday. – Pénteken találkozunk.
comedy – vígjáték
to go clubbing – szórakozóhelyre menni, bulizni
to fancy something – kedve van valamihez
to be allergic to – allergiás valamire
seafood – tenger gyümölcsei
to seem – valamilyennek tűnik
instead – helyett
tiny – apró, pici
proper – rendes, igazi
to pick someone up – valakiért elmenni
as well – is
to pay one’s way – saját maga fizet