RemĂ©lem kellemesen telt a hĂ©tvĂ©gĂ©d. NekĂŒnk nagyon mozgalmasan alakult. Lehet, hogy mĂ©g nem is mesĂ©ltem, de ArtĂșr egy Ă©ve sportot vĂĄltott, Ă©s mĂĄr nem vĂzilabdĂĄzik, hanem triatlonozik, Ă©s most vasĂĄrnap volt az elsĆ versenye, ezĂșttal duatlon, azaz futĂĄs-kerĂ©kpĂĄr-futĂĄs versenyszĂĄmban, Ăgy mindannyian elkĂsĂ©rtĂŒk, hogy szurkoljunk neki, leglelkesebb rajongĂłja a hĂșga volt : )
A hĂ©ten Ășj tĂ©mĂĄba kezdĂŒnk, Ă©s az közelgĆ ĂĄprilisra valĂł tekintettel, tartunk egy vicces hetet.
Az viszont nem vicc, hogy ismĂ©t visszatĂ©rt minden idĆk legkedvezmĂ©nyesebb ĂĄrĂș elĆfizetĂ©se a nyomtatott 5 Perc Angol magazinra, amely most egy Ă©vre 9540 forint helyett csak 6500 forintba kerĂŒl!
12 lapszĂĄm, több mint 1100 oldal Ă©s 12 Ăłra hanganyag, nagyjĂĄbĂłl 540 forint havonta, szĂĄllĂtĂĄssal egyĂŒtt!
Az akciĂł mĂĄrcius 31-ig Ă©l! Le ne maradjatok rĂłla:)
JĂł tanulĂĄst!
Funny Idioms
The lights are on but nobodyâs home.
meaning: used to describe a stupid person
magyarul: nincsenek otthon nĂĄla
example: She made a very silly decision, the lights are on but nobodyâs home! â Nagyon butĂĄn döntött, nincsenek otthon nĂĄla!
to have Van Goghâs ear for music
meaning: to be tone deaf (Van Gogh only had one ear!)
magyarul: nincs hallĂĄsa, botfĂŒle van
example: John really shouldnât play the violin, he has Van Goghâs ear for music. â Johnnak nem kellene hegedĂŒlnie, nincs semmi hallĂĄsa.
everything but the kitchen sink
meaning: almost everything has been included
magyarul: szinte minden; van itt minden, mint a bĂșcsĂșban
example: Look at her bags, she packed everything but the kitchen sink. âNĂ©zd a tĂĄskĂĄit, szinte mindent felpakolt.
when pigs fly
meaning: something that will never happen
magyarul: majd ha piros hĂł esik
example: You will get her to ask you on a date when pigs fly! â Akkor fog tĂ©ged randira hĂvni, ha piros hĂł esik!
to do a Devon Loch
meaning: if someone suddenly fails when everybody expects them to succeed (Devon Loch was a horse)
magyarul: az utolsĂł pillanatban vĂĄratlanul lemaradni, veszĂteni
example: It was shocking how Manchester United did a Devon Loch in the last minutes of the match against Arsenal. â SokkolĂł volt, ahogy a Manchester United az utolsĂł pillanatokban vesztett az Arsenal ellen.
Bobâs your uncle
meaning: something will be done, sorted or successful.
magyarul: valami rendben lesz; valami utĂĄn mĂĄr jĂł vagy
example: Go straight on until you reach the main road, take the first right, and Bobâs your uncle, there’s the market! â Menj egyenesen, amĂg elĂ©red a fĆutcĂĄt, aztĂĄn az elsĆ utcĂĄn jobbra Ă©s utĂĄna mĂĄr jĂł vagy, ott is van a piac!
(to fall) off the back of a lorry/truck
meaning: probably stolen or illegitimate
magyarul: leesett a teherautĂłrĂłl
example: Where did you get this flat TV? Off the back of a lorry? â Honnan szerezted ezt a lapostĂ©vĂ©t? Leesett a teherautĂłrĂłl?
hairy at the heel
meaning: ill-bred, dangerous or untrustworthy
magyarul: neveletlen, veszĂ©lyes, megbĂzhatatlan
example: I canât say I like that rude man, I think heâs a bit hairy at the heels. â Nem kedvelem azt az udvariatlan embert, szerintem egy kicsit szĆröstalpĂș.
catâs arse
meaning: the facial expression adopted by a scorned person.
magyarul: mĂ©rgesen csĂŒcsörĂtĆ szĂĄj
example: Bob wonât come to the pub with us, heâs afraid his wife will give him the cat’s arse if he does. â Bob nem jön velĂŒnk a pubba, fĂ©l, hogy a felesĂ©ge rĂĄncolni fogja a homlokĂĄt.
pardon my French
meaning: an informal apology for the use of profane, swear or taboo words
magyarul: elnĂ©zĂ©s kĂ©rĂ©se kĂĄromkodĂĄsĂ©rt, csĂșnya szavakĂ©rt
example: She is a ****, pardon my French. â Ć egy ****, mĂĄr megbocsĂĄss.
cat got one’s tongue
meaning: to be unable to speak.
magyarul: elvitte a cica a nyelved
example: Whatâs the matter? Cat got your tongue? â Mi a baj? Elvitte a cica a nyelved?
to have more holes than Swiss cheese
meaning: if a plan, idea, story etc. has faults or problems
magyarul: problémås, gyenge låbakon ålló terv, ötlet, történet stb.
example: We can do better than that. This plan has more holes in it than Swiss cheese. âEnnĂ©l többre vagyunk kĂ©pesek. Ez a terv sok helyen elcsĂșszhat.