Következő sorozatunkban Budapest kevésbé ismert legendáival fogunk megismerkedni. Az első részben egy rejtélyes Thököly úti szoborról és a Lánchíd oroszlánjairól lesz szó.
There is always a lot to discover in Budapest since every corner provides something special, unique and breath-taking. Thanks to our fantastic capital that offers a scenic view over the Danube, more and more tourists visit Hungary, and most of them do not even know what incredible legends circulate about our famous or less known sights, reports Lobu.hu.
Here is a collection of the most unusual stories and the truth lying behind them. So, let us immerse ourselves in history. The history of Budapest dates back to long centuries during which a handful of legends came to life. As it usually happens, it was particular people who started to spread them, but the rumour started to live its own life. From this article, you can figure out what gave basis to the legends about some of the sights in the capital and what the truth is behind them.
Thököly Street and the mysterious woman
If you walk with open eyes in Thököly Street and admire the buildings, you can see a figure of a woman looking into the distance from the balcony. According to locals, during World War I, a young couple lived in the building who were separated by the war. The man went to the front to fight while his wife waited for him in their home, every day. She was looking out of the balcony leaning on her elbows waiting for her husband to arrive.
However, at that time, the Spanish flu infected millions of people in Hungary and the young woman was no exception to the deadly epidemic. She became seriously ill; still, despite her illness, she was on the balcony every day hoping to see her beloved one. According to the legend, it is here that she died.
It is the irony of fate that the husband arrived from the front right on the next day, but he only found his dead wife on the balcony. He set up a statue to honour his lady for her loyalty and walled up the door of the balcony so that nobody could even step into that place.
The Chain Bridge and its lions
Many legends are circulating about the lions sitting on both sides of the Chain Bridge. The most well-known legend holds that the lions have no tongue due to which the sculptor, János Marschalkó, was humiliated and being much ashamed, he eventually committed suicide by jumping into the Duna.
In fact, this is not true at all, since the lions have their tongues, but they were deliberately made invisible to the passers-by from the level of the pavement. The sculptor, also known for working on the sculptures of the Vigadó and the MTA, confirmed this news. For those who made fun of him, he responded ironically: “Would that your wife had such a tongue as my lions!”
source: Dailynewshungary
to discover |
felfedezni |
to provide |
lehetővé tenni, biztosítani |
unique |
egyedülálló, egyedüli |
breath-taking |
lélegzetelállító |
scenic view |
fantasztikus látvány |
unusual |
szokatlan |
to immerse |
belemerülni |
to date back to |
valamikorra vezethető vissza |
a handful of |
egy maréknyi |
to come to life |
életre kelni |
to spread |
terjedni, terjeszteni |
rumour |
pletyka, mendemonda |
to figure out |
kitalálni, megtudni |
to admire |
csodálni |
according to |
valami szerint |
the Spanish flu |
spanyolnátha |
exception |
kivétel |
despite |
valami ellenére |
beloved |
szeretett |
to set up a statue |
szobrot állítani |
to honour |
megemlékezni, tiszteletét leróni |
to wall up the door |
befalazni az ajtót |
to circulate |
keringeni |
tongue |
nyelv |
sculptor |
szobrász |
to be humiliated |
megalázva lenni |
to feel ashemed |
szégyellni magát |
to commit suicide |
öngyilkosságot elkövetni |
deliberately |
szándékosan |
passer-by |
járókelő |
pavement |
járda |
sculpture |
szobor |
to make fun of somebody |
kigúnyolni valakit |