Hasznos angol párbeszédek: Jó orvos keresése

Jöjjön ismét egy hasznos-hangos párbeszéd egészség témában. A hanganyagot le is töltheted! 

Letölthető tartalmak


Woman: Luke, is something wrong?
Man: I was on the phone with my wife and she is quite upset with our GP.
Woman: Oh.
Man: I think he’s great with adults but he doesn’t seem to have enough patience with kids.
Woman: I think I know what you mean.
Man: She took Gina in for her vaccine and the doctor didn’t appreciate the screaming. She’s only 2, for God’s sake. He told my wife to make her stop. As if you could make a scared kid stop screaming.
Woman: Maybe you should look for another doctor.
Man: I guess a lady doctor would be more understanding. Especially if she has kids of her own.
Woman: I take the kids to a paediatrician.
Man: Here in town?
Woman: No, she’s at a paediatric clinic about 30 minutes away.
Man: Would you recommend her?
Woman: We switched to a paedi because of my son’s asthma in the first place. But they are definitely better at dealing with screaming children.
Man: Could you give me a contact number?
Woman: Of course. Let me get my diary.
Man: Thanks a lot. I’ll definitely make an appointment.


Is something wrong?– Valami gond van?
She is quite upset with our GP. – Elég dühös a háziorvosunkra.
He is great with adults. – A felnőttekkel jó(l bánik).
He doesn’t seem to have enough patience with kids. – A gyerekekhez úgy tűnik nincs elég türelme.
I think I know what you mean. – Azt hiszem, értem mire gondolsz.
The doctor didn’t appreciate the screaming. – Az orvos nem volt túl boldog a visítástól.
For God’s sake! – Az Isten szerelmére!
As if you could make a scared kid stop screaming. –Mintha le lehetne állítani egy síró/visító gyereket.
I guess a lady doctor would be more understanding. – Azt hiszem, egy doktornő megértőbb lenne.
Especially if she has kids of her own. – Különösen, ha van saját gyereke is.
Would you recommend her? – Ajánlanád őt?
Could you give me a contact number? – Tudnál adni egy elérhetőséget?
I’ll definitely make an appointment. – Egész biztosan fogok kérni egy időpontot.


to be on the phone – telefonon beszélni valakivel
to be upset – idegesnek/ dühösnek lenni
GP (= General Practitioner) – háziorvos
patience – türelem
to appreciate something – (nagyra) értékelni valamit
screaming – visítás, sírás
paediatrician – gyermekorvos
paediatric clinic – gyerekklinika
to recommend – ajánlani, javasolni
to switch – váltani, átváltani
definitely – határozottan, kifejezetten
diary – határidőnapló
appointment – időpont, találkozó