Surprising facts you didn’t know about Martin Luther


Luther Márton 500 éve, 1517-ben indította el téziseivel a reformációt. Érdekes tényeket gyűjtöttünk nektek az életéről, amit Playmobilból felépítve egy videóban meg is nézhettek.

31st October, 2017 marked 500 years since Martin Luther, the father of Protestantism, published his 95 Theses which led to the split in the Catholic Church and the religious revolution known as the Reformation.

Martin Luther was an academic and religious figure who was strongly against the corruption of the Catholic Church in the 16th century.

Around this time, the church was heavily involved in the politics of the Holy Roman Empire and the practice of selling ‘indulgences’ was becoming increasingly common.

This meant those who felt they had sinned could simply buy a pardon and, in exchange for their money, a prayer would be said or a candle lit to ‘absolve’ them of their sins. These pardons were essentially religious ‘get out of jail free cards’ and the more money people paid for them, supposedly the more years were taken off their time in purgatory .

Increasingly resentful of the ways of the Catholic Church, on the 31st of October 1517, Martin Luther published his 95 Theses attacking the corrupt practices of the papacy and essentially sparking the biggest revolution the Christian faith has ever seen.

In light of the 500th anniversary of this huge historic event, here are some interesting facts you probably didn’t know about Martin Luther.

1. The legend of Martin Luther nailing his 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church is just that, a legend

The story goes that Luther stormed up to the Castle Church in Wittenberg, hammer in hand, and nailed his incendiary document to the front door. While this is a fittingly forceful image for the start of a religious movement which has violently shaped European history, several scholars have agreed that there is little evidence to suggest this dramatic gesture ever took place.

There were apparently no eye-witnesses and according to the New Yorker, Martin Luther himself seemed unclear on what he actually did to spread his 95 Theses, apart from sending them to the local archbishop.

2. Martin Luther was not originally his name

The name ‘Martin Luther’ is known throughout the Christian world, just like that of his namesake, the iconic human rights activist and baptist preacher Martin Luther King Jr. But neither Martin Luther, nor Martin Luther King Jr. were born with those names.

The father of Protestantism was in fact born ‘Martin Luder’ to a family from a coal mining town. It is commonly believed that, in the same year he published his theses, Martin changed his surname from ‘Luder’ to ‘Luther’, which some believe was in line with the Greek word ‘erleutherios’ meaning freedom and liberty.

Meanwhile Martin Luther King Jr was born Michael King Jr. His father changed both their names after being inspired by a tour of various holy sites throughout Europe on which he learned about the huge effect of Martin Luther on the church.

3. A near death experience inspired him to become a monk

Martin Luther was the eldest of a large family and his father planned for him to study law in order to help with the family business. But it appears Luther had other plans. At age 21 he was caught up in a large storm and the story goes that he prayed to St. Anna, the mother of the Virgin Mary, to save his life, promising to become a monk if he survived. Some claim this was a common practice in young people at the time, who did not want to follow in the path chosen for them by their parents. Whatever his reasoning, Luther honoured his promise and was ordained two years later.

4. He had a big influence on Christmas

Before the reformation, children in Germany often received presents on December 6th, the day of St. Nicholas. Meanwhile Jesus’ birth was not specifically celebrated at all, as the Epiphany on January 6th was the main day of celebration as this was the day the three wise men are said to have visited Bethlehem. Luther was against St. Nicholas being so particularly revered, so over time St. Nicholas’ day lost more and more of its importance in the Protestant faith. In its place the birth of Christ began to be celebrated which led to the modern celebration of Christmas Eve on December 24th in Germany and many other European countries.

5. Martin Luther only left the German speaking lands once in his whole life

It seems odd for someone with such a wide-reaching influence, but according to the New Yorker, Martin Luther only traveled outside of the German speaking lands in Europe once. He was sent to Rome in 1510 in a failed mission to deal with problems in the Augustinian order.

6. Luther had to be ‘kidnapped’ by his friend to avoid severe repercussions from the Catholic Church

After publishing his 95 Theses, Luther was called to Rome to answer for his heresy. When he did not comply, he was excommunicated but brazenly burned the paper which announced his excommunication in a pit used by a Wittenberg hospital to burn old rags.

He avoided execution for this because of his huge popularity with the general public, but in 1521 he was called to a Diet in the town of Worms, an assembly of the Holy Roman Empire, to explain himself. In Worms, Luther announced he would only retract his criticisms of the church if they could show him sufficient evidence from the holy scripture to support the practices he deemed tobe corrupt. As he was travelling back from Worms, Luther’s protector, Frederick the Wise, ordered a group of knights to “kidnap” and hide him until the Catholic church had calmed down.

7. He translated the entire New Testament from Greek to German in just 11 weeks

After being ‘kidnapped’ and taken to in an isolated castle in Eisenach, he spent 11 weeks of his 10 months in captivity translating the New Testament, which he did single handedly at a blazing rate of 1,800 words a day. Luther then went on to translate the Old Testament from Hebrew. He wasn’t the first person to translate the Bible into German, but many consider his version to be the most beautifully written and it was certainly the most popular.

8. Martin Luther not only had a huge impact on the church, but also on the German language

Luther was a prolific writer and wrote almost 120 works in his lifetime. What’s more, he was lucky to have been born just 10 years after the invention of the printing press. This meant his works reached thousands of people at a time when literature was sparse. Most of his writing was in Early New High German and experts credit the widespread use of this dialect to the popularity of Luther’s writing, especially his translation of the Bible.

3,000 copies of the first edition of Luther’s German New Testament were made and each cost the equivalent of a calf. Despite this high price, all 3,000 copies of the Bible sold out as soon as they were put on sale. The Lutherian Bible also included 128 woodcut illustrations all done by the same artist. In 2002 a beautiful two volume facsimile of Luther’s original Bible was published by German art book publisher Taschen, which had the drawings in colour.

9.. His wife was the one who proposed

One Catholic tradition Luther opposed was celibacy in priests and in 1525 he married Katharina von Bora, an ex-Cistercian nun. He met her while helping a group of nuns who had recently left a Cistercian convent in light of the reformation. While eleven of the twelve nuns were either returned to their families or found husbands, the 26-year-old Katharina was left.

Though Luther claimed to have not felt any kind of “burning” attraction towards the young woman, she wanted him and proposed marriage, to which he agreed, the New Yorker writes. Katharina managed his huge household which, apart from their large number of children, also included 20 or so students, 8 orphaned children, a large family escaping the plague, various visitors and a small staff. Historians noticed a change in Luther’s attitude towards women after his marriage and he appeared to respect his wife a great deal, calling her “the most holy Frau Doctor” in letters.

10. Luther was often shockingly foul mouthed

Suprizingly for a man of God, but perhaps unsurprisingly for such a bold revolutionary and someone with such aggressive faith in his convictions, Martin Luther is known to have expressed himself with crude and sometimes downright vulgar statements. According to historian Erik H. Erikson who wrote the book ‘Young Man Luther’ (1958), not only did Luther called the Vatican a “whorehouse” but while in a state of depression, he supposedly once said at the dinner table “I am like a ripe s**t and the world is a gigantic a**hole. We will both probably let go of each other soon.”


Watch the video and fill in the gaps in the script with the words in the table.

translating, punishment, heaven, talent, banning, convent, kidnapped, peace, deserve, Pope, saints, heretic, mercy, church, forgiveness, disguise

This is the story of Martin Luther. He got up to some pretty adventurous things. He was …… (1) by knights on horseback, lived in …… (2) in a castle, and helped some nuns escape from a …… (3) by hiding them in barrels. But as a young man he was troubled by a deep sense that he wasn’t right with God. Once in a thunderstorm a lightning bolt nearly struck him. He thought he was going to die. He cried out for help to one of the …… (4) saying rashly: „Save me, and I’ll become a monk.” He survived. And so, true to his word he gave up his studies as a lawyer and became a monk. His friends and family said he was wasting his …… (5). In the monastery he started reading the Bible. He discovered that it was God’s …… (6) and love that was all that was needed to be right with God. For the first time in his life he found a deep …… (7) with God. Luther was invited to be a lecturer at the University of Wittenberg. He taught through books of the Bible and his lectures were popular, even ordinary people from the town came along. In those days the Catholic Church was telling Christians that their good behaviour could earn them …… (8). But Luther knew from the Bible that no amount of good work could earn you forgiveness. Not even the …… (9) was able to give forgiveness from God. Only God could do that. Luther saw that the church had left behind what the Bible taught and was even making things up for its own gain. He decided he must teach against these false ideas. He made his complaints public by nailing them to the place in town where people published important documents: the door of the castle …… (10). He explained that it wasn’t possible to buy God’s forgiveness or to live a life that was good enough to …… (11) to know God. His writings showed that God wants to forgive the wrong that we’ve done and that it is only possible because Jesus, the Son of God came to pay the …… (12) that our wrong deserved. Jesus did this as He died in our place. Luther’s ideas quickly spread throughout Europe thanks to a recent invention: the printing press. The Pope wrote a document saying that Luther had to take it all back and if he didn’t he would be treated as a …… (13). Luther refused and publicly burned a copy of the Pope’s letter. Luther’s ideas shook things up religiously, politically and culturally. He was soon summoned to stand before the Emperor and answer for his supposed crimes of explaining what the Bible said. The Emperor declared Luther an outlaw …… (14) his literature. That’s when he was rescued and went to live in disguise in a castle. Dressing in knight’s clothing he changed his name to Sir George and grew his hair and a beard and spent his time …… (15) the New Testament. Again it was published widely, meaning ordinary people could read the Bible for the first time. Luther then secretly returned to Wittemberg. He continued to write books and translate the Bible. He also got married and had a family. Europe was buzzing with Luther’s message about the Bible. Today, 500 years on, the truths of the Bible that Luther knew continue to impact millions of people. People who’ve come to know God personally knowing the peace and …… (16) Jesus offers us. The forgiveness that Luther found is still available today. We can all be in a right relationship with God, because of one man, the Lord Jesus Christ.


1. kidnapped 2. disguise 3. convent 4. saints 5. talent 6. mercy 7. peace 8. heaven 9. Pope 10. church 11. deserve 12. punishment 13. heretic 14. banning 15. translating 16. forgiveness



tétel, tézis




hitbéli, vallásos

to be against something

valami ellen lenni




bűnbocsátó cédula

to sin

bűnt elkövetni

to buy a pardon

megvásárolni a bűnbocsánatot





to light, lit, lit


to absolve





purgatórium, tisztítótűz


nehezteléssel teli



to spark


to nail





gyújtó hatású







coal mining town






Virgin Mary

Szűz Mária

to ordain




wise men



nagyra becsült, tisztelt


furcsa, különös

to be kidnapped





következmény, visszahatás



to be excommunicated



pimaszul, szemtelenül





to deem

tart valamilyennek

New Testament








prolific writer

termékeny író



printing press








to propose

megkérni a kezét


papi nőtlenség, cölibátus







orphaned children




foul mouthed









goromba, nyers


vulgáris, trágár





to ban

betiltani, eltiltani


irgalom, kegyelem











lightning bolt

villámcsapás, villámlás


hirtelen, meggondolatlanul







to make things up

kitalálni dolgokat

for its own gain

a saját hasznára



to spread


to be summoned




to buzz with

valamivel teli van

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