Mi köze van a tojásnak a húsvéthoz? Miért festünk tojásokat? Videós nyelvleckénkből a húsvéti tojás történetéről kiderül.
Easter eggs are special eggs that are often given to celebrate Easter or springtime.
The oldest tradition is to use dyed and painted chicken eggs, but a modern custom is to substitute chocolate eggs, or plastic eggs filled with confectionery
The custom of the Easter egg originated in the early Christians of Mesopotamia, who stained eggs red in memory of the blood of Christ, shed at his crucifixion.
The Christian Church officially adopted the custom, regarding the eggs as a symbol of the resurrection in 1610 A.D.
In Christianity Easter eggs symbolize the empty tomb of Jesus. Though an egg appears to be like the ‘stone’ of a tomb, – a bird hatches from it with life, so the Easter egg for Christians is a reminder that Jesus rose from the grave and that those who believe will also experience eternal life.
But the practice of decorating eggshells is ancient, pre-dating the Christian tradition of Easter.
Eggs, in general, have been a traditional symbol of fertility, and rebirth. Ostrich eggs with engraved decoration that are over 60,000 years old have been found in Africa. Decorated ostrich eggs, and representations of ostrich eggs in gold and silver were commonly placed in graves of the ancient Egyptians over 5,000 years ago.
Easter eggs have inspired the form of many similar objects – both precious and mundane, including chocolate eggs, monuments, and the famous Fabergé eggs.
Can you fill in the gaps in the sentences?
1. We …… Easter in March or April.
2. Eggs symbolize the empty …… of Jesus.
3. Eggs are a symbol of …… .
4. Jesus rose from the …… .
5. In Mesopotamia Christians painted eggs red in memory of the …… of Jesus Christ …… at the …… .
1. celebrate
2. tomb
3. fertility/rebirth
4. grave
5. blood, shed, crucifixion
to celebrate |
ünnepelni |
dyed |
festett |
custom |
szokás |
to substitute |
helyettesíteni |
filled with |
megtöltve |
confectionery |
édesség |
to originate |
eredni |
Christian |
keresztény |
to stain |
festeni |
in memory of |
valamire emlékezve |
blood |
vér |
to shed, shed, shed |
kiontani |
crucifixion |
keresztrefeszítés |
Christian Church |
keresztény egyház |
to adopt |
alkalmazni, követni |
to regard |
valaminek tekinteni |
resurrection |
feltámadás |
tomb |
sír |
reminder |
emlékeztető |
grave |
sír |
eternal life |
örök élet |
to decorate |
dekorálni, díszíteni |
eggshell |
tojáshéj |
ancient |
régi, ősi |
to pre-date |
időben megelőzni |
tradition |
hagyomány |
fertility |
termékenység |
rebirth |
újjászületés |
ostrich |
strucc |
engraved |
bevésett |
gold |
arany |
silver |
ezüst |
commonly |
általánosan |
to inspire |
inspirálni, megihletni |
similar |
hasonló |
precious |
értékes |
mundane |
evilági, nem túl értékes |