Budapest egy szóban kifejezve. Vajon mi mindent mondanak rá az emberek? Nézd meg a videót és csináld meg a hozzá készült újszerű feladatot!
An unusual survey called ‘What does Budapest mean to you?’ investigated people’s favourite words in connection with Budapest.
Home, freedom, opportunity – the list of the 100 most popular words begins like this. During the campaign, several thousand words were submitted by residents of the city, and by the end, a rather positive image of the city was formed.
Here’s a selection of the most popular words that made the list: love, homesickness, buzz, lights, pride, family, bridges, umbilical cord, culture, magic, mom, university, déjà vu, diversity, night, inspiration, ours, clean, with you, centre, perspective, acceptance, air, colourful, life, value, circus, cool, home, everyone’s, together, tenement house, Sunday.
The survey was organised by the Municipality of Budapest and the BVA Budapest city image nonprofit Kft.
The most popular words have been on display in the form of an exhibition since December 12 in the Budapest Project Gallery. The exhibition blends different art forms, installations, interactive displays, and virtual reality to showcase the words that best describe the city.
“Budapest values the feedback of its residents, as well as their active participation in the life of the city and it’s really good that the most popular words, which form the basis of the exhibition, have positive connotations, which means that the people of Budapest love their city.”
Watch the video and choose the word the Hungarian equivalent of which you can see in the video.
1. clean or clear
2. with you or for you
3. centrum or centre
4. respective or perspective
5. accepts or denies
6. smoke or air
7. colourful or colourless
8. lifeless or life
9. value or valid
10. big circus or small circus
11. gross or cool
12. home or home country
13. belongs to everyone or belongs to someone
14. all together or together
15. tenement house or block of flats
16. Sunday or Saturday
17. on the asphalt or on the concrete
18. supermarket or market
19. buzz or boredom
20. without you or with you
21. view or perspective
1. clean
2. with you
3. center
4. perspective
5. accepts
6. air
8. life
9. value
10. big circus
11. cool
12. home
13. belongs to everyone
14. together
15. tenement house
16. Sunday
17. on the asphalt
18. market
19. buzz
20. with you
21. view
survey |
felmérés |
to submit |
beadni, beküldeni |
resident |
lakó, lakos |
selection |
válogatás |
homesickness |
honvágy |
buzz |
pezsgés, nyüzsgés |
pride |
büszkeség |
umbilical cord |
köldökzsinór |
diversity |
sokszínűség |
inspiration |
inspiráció, ihlet |
tenement house |
bérház |
municipality |
önkormányzat |
on display |
kiállítva |
exhibition |
kiállítás |
to blend |
vegyíteni |
to showcase |
bemutatni |
connotation |
jelentés, kicsengés |