Jöjjön egy gyors videós lecke10 érdekességről a TicTac cukorkával kapcsolatban.
Tic Tacs have been providing refreshment for decades, but the popular candy still holds a number of surprises. Here are 10 fascinating facts about them.
Number 10. They were originally – and unimaginatively – called ‘Refreshing Mints.’ The name we now know and love came in 1970, not long after their debut. The new moniker was inspired by the sound the little mints make when moving around in their container.
Number 9. Some places only sell white ones. They’re still available in a variety of flavors, but lack the often telltale colored coating due to various nations’ laws concerning the use of food dyes. However, the boxes are tinted accordingly.
Number 8. Their calorie count has gone up. For some time, Tic Tacs were touted as “the 1 ½ calorie breath mint.” In recent years, the size of the mint itself has grown, and now they pack 1.9 calories apiece.
Number 7. In India, people can buy cardamom-flavored TicTacs. Another tantalizing option sold exclusively in the Asian nation is peach and passion.
Number 6. You’re probably dispensing them wrong. If you are among the many who open the cap and then shake the box until a load of them comes flying out, you are indeed guilty of using an improper technique. The better way is to turn the closed container upside down and jiggle it gently. Then pop the flap open, and ta-da, one single piece appears.
Number 5. They come from the same minds that bring us Nutella. The company clearly dedicated to putting so much happiness into the world is called Ferrero and headquartered in Italy.
Number 4. Grape initially proved to be a high-risk flavor. Though their brilliant purple hue was enticing and beautiful, an agent in the original color formula was also found to be potentially carcinogenic. That issue was fixed, and, in 2014, the company released a worry-free grape option.
Number 3. Despite being labeled ‘sugar free’ they’re loaded with it. Due to their tiny size, Tic Tacs, which are 98% sugar, fall just below the 0.5 gram content limit. That allows them to be advertised in the way they are.
Number 2. The tiny candy has its own day. It’s October 10th, so mark your calendars and don’t hesitate to make big celebration plans.
Number 1. Tic Tacs are children of the 60s. They made their world debut in 1969. At first, only mint was available, but, before long, orange was welcomed into the growing Tic Tac family.
Which tidbit about Tic Tacs do you find most surprising?
refreshment |
frissítő |
decade |
évtized |
fascinating |
lenyűgöző |
unimaginatively |
fantáziátlanul |
debut |
megjelenés, debütálás |
moniker |
becenév |
container |
tartó, doboz |
available |
elérhető |
tell-tale |
árulkodó, áruló (jel) |
concerning |
valamit illetően |
food dye |
ételszínezék |
accordingly |
ennek megfelelően |
apiece |
darabonként, egyenként |
tantalizing |
csábító |
passion fruit |
golgotavirág gyümölcse, maracuja |
to dispense |
adagolni |
guilty of |
bűnösnek lenni valamiben |
improper |
nem megfelelő, helytelen |
to jiggle |
rázogatni |
to pop the flap open |
kinyitni a kupakot |
to dedicate to |
valaminek szentelni |
to be headquartered |
valahol van a központja (cég) |
hue |
színárnyalat |
enticing |
kecsegtető, csábító |
agent |
itt: anyag |
potentially |
potenciálisan |
carcinogenic |
rákkeltő |
to be labeled |
felcimkézve lenni |
to hesitate to |
halogatni, hezitálni |
tidbit |
csemege, átvitt értelemben: érdekes apróság |