A következő leckével a szóbeli nyelvvizsga képleírás részére tudsz készülni.
Remélem kellemesen telt a hétvégéd. Mi semmi különöset nem csináltuk. Artúr kipróbálta a siklózást, felment a Várba a nagyszüleivel, nagyon tetszett neki!
Nagyon sokan írjátok nekem mostanában, hogy készítsek nyelvvizsga anyagokat, ezért úgy gondoltam, hogy a héten a szóbeli (alap és középfokra) nyelvvizsga anyagokat fogok küldeni, ezen belül is a képleírás témára koncentrálva.
A vizsgákon a kép leírása mellett a vizsgáztatók szoktak egy-két képre vonatkozó kérdést is feltenni, ezért én is így teszek a leckék esetében (és természetesen választ is mellékelve a kérdésekhez).
Nézzük is a mai képünket!
Jó tanulást és kellemes hétvégét kívánok!
This is a picture of three people a man, woman and child. It looks like they are a family. It is a birthday party because I can see a cake on the table and there is a candle with the number six on top. The candle is lit. The cake looks like a chocolate cake with white icing and maybe some cream on top. It looks very delicious. The father has a camera in his hand and is taking a picture of the event (family). The little girl is very happy and everybody is smiling. The mother is wearing a green pullover, the girl has a pretty pink jacket and the father is wearing a white shirt with blue diagonal stripes. I think there will be a party later with lots of her friends and family.
Do you like birthday parties?
Yes I do. It is good to celebrate with family and friends as it is a very special occasion. You get to meet many people, eat and drink good food and have a good time. It is also good to get and receive presents no matter how old you are!
Can you remember a special birthday party?
Yes, my 21st birthday was a very special occasion for me. My parents organised a party for me at a restaurant. We had a lovely meal with family and friends. After we had a house party with music and many more people were invited.