Összegyűjtöttünk neked néhány tárgyalással, üzleti élettel, tárgyalással kapcsolatos idiómát egy kis feladattal és példamondatokkal körítve!
gentlemen’s agreement
meaning:an agreement that is not written down but is made by two people or two groups who trust each other
magyarul: szóbeli megállapodás
example: I made a gentleman’s agreement with the handyman to come and help next week. –Szóbeli megállapodást kötöttem az ezermesterrel, hogy jöjjön segíteni jövő héten.
to get behind (a person or idea)
meaning:to support a person or idea
magyarul: valami vagy valaki mögé állni
example: As we agreed with him we got behind his proposal at the meeting. – Mivel egyetértettünk vele, a javaslata mögé álltunk a megbeszélésen.
to get the ball rolling
meaning:to start an activity or action
magyarul: beindítani, elkezdeni valamit
example: We should get the ball rolling and begin the negotiation at once. – Bele kellene vágnunk és elkezdeni a megbeszélést most azonnal.
to back out (of something)
meaning:to get out of an agreement, to fail to keep a promise
magyarul: kihátrálni valamiből, nem betartani ígéretet
example: The architect backed out of the plan to oversee the new apartment building. – Az építész kihátrált az új lakótömb tervezett felügyeletéből.
ball is in (someone’s) court
meaning:it is the decision of another person or group to do something
magyarul: nála van a labda
example: The ball is in the seller’s court after the buyer made his final offer. – A labda az eladónál van, miután a vevő megtette utolsó ajánlatát.
meaning:a success that comes after overcoming a difficulty
magyarul: áttörés
example: There was a breakthrough in the talks to end the miners’ strike. – Áttörés következett be a bányászsztrájk beszüntetését célzó megbeszéléseken.
to bring (something) to the table
meaning:to have something to offer during a negotiation
magyarul: valamit felmutatni, kínálni, letenni az asztalra tárgyaláson
example: We were able to bring a new offer to the table during the negotiations. – Új ajánlatot tudtunk letenni az asztalra a tárgyalások folyamán.
to close a deal
meaning:to end a negotiation successfully
magyarul: tárgyalást, üzletet sikeresen lezárni
example: Julia had to work hard but she was finally able to close the deal. –Juliának keményen kellett dolgoznia, de végül sikeresen megkötötte az üzletet.
to call the shots
meaning:to be in charge
magyarul: diktálni
example: Everyone knows that the vice-president calls the shots. – Mindenki tudja, hogy az alelnök diktál.
follow through on/with (something)
meaning:to finish an action, to keep a promise
magyarul: tartani magát a szavához, befejezni valamit, ahogy ígérte
example: Mr Ross said that our working conditions would improve soon but he never followed through with his promise. – Mr Ross azt mondta, hogy a munkakörülményeink hamarosan javulnak, de nem váltotta be az ígéretét.
to force (someone’s) hand
meaning:to make someone do something that they do not want to do at that time
magyarul: rákényszeríteni
example: The committee decided to force the vice president’s hand because they wanted to finish the negotiations quickly. – A bizottság úgy döntött, hogy kényszerítéshez folyamodik az alelnöknél, mert hamar be akarták fejezni a tárgyalásokat.
to get the raw end of the deal
meaning:to do badly in a negotiation or a similar situation
magyarul: pórul járni, a rosszabbat kapni
example: I saw that I got the raw end of the deal when I received my new work schedule. – Láttam, hogy pórul jártam, amikor megkaptam az új munkabeosztásomat.
I. Fill in the gaps with the words in the table.
the raw end of the deal |
close the deal |
to the table |
get behind |
in their court |
follow through |
1. They finally sold their house. Jack was delighted to ………….
2. I’m very disappointed, because you always promise things, but you never ……….. with your promises.
3. I did everything that I possibly could. The ball is ………….. now.
4. I couldn’t bring a better offer ……….., so the deal fell through.
5. She can’t ………… Jack’s ideas, because he didn’t do his research properly.
6. It’s not fair, I always get …………..
II. Match each idiom to its definition.
1 |
to force someone’s hand |
a |
success after difficult time |
2 |
to call the shots |
b |
to get out of an agreement |
3 |
breakthrough |
c |
to make someone do something against their will |
4 |
to back out |
d |
verbal agreement between partners |
5 |
gentlemen’s agreement |
e |
to start an activity |
6 |
to get the ball rolling |
f |
to be in charge |
I. 1-close the deal, 2-follow through, 3-in their court, 4-to the table, 5-get behind, 6-the raw end of the deal
II. 1-c, 2-f, 3-a, 4-b, 5-d, 6-e