Movie and Entertainment Idioms


Nézzünk meg néhány mozizással és filmekkel kapcsolatos idiómát. 

to be in the limelight

meaning: to be the centre of attention

magyarul: középpontban, rivaldafényben állni

example: Ignore her, she’d do anything to keep herself in the limelight. – Ne foglalkozz vele, bármit megtenne, hogy a középpontban legyen.


The show must go on.

meaning: an event or activity must continue even if there are problems or difficulties

magyarul: a show-nak folytatódnia kell, nincs megállás

example: I’ve got a terrible headache, but I’ve got to go to work. The show must go on. – Borzasztóan fáj a fejem, de el kell mennem dolgozni. Nincs megállás.


to run the show

meaning: to be in charge of an organization or an activity

magyarul: egy szervezetet vagy tevékenységet irányítani

example: She started off as a secretary, but now she’s running the show. – Titkárnőként kezdte, de most már ő irányít.

to steal the show
meaning: to win the greatest praise and to be better than anyone else
magyarul: elviszi a pálmát, elhomályosít másokat
example: Her acceptance speech really stole the show. – A díjátvételi beszéde elvitte a pálmát.

show stopper

meaning: an event that provokes such a strong reaction that it stops whatever’s happening

magyarul: valami váratlan vagy meglepő, ami megállítja az előadást, történést

example: His appearance was a real show stopper. – A megjelenése elállította mindenki lélegzetét.

popcorn movie

meaning: a film that is entertaining to watch but is generally not of a very high quality or rich in emotional or intellectual depth

magyarul: könnyed, szórakoztató film

example: I don’t fancy anything deep and serious now, let’s just watch a popcorn movie. – Most nem vágyom semmi mélyre és komolyra, csak nézzünk egy könnyed filmet.  


meaning: a movie that is not popular and makes little money

magyarul: bukott film

example: Johnny Depp has been is so many bombs lately. I don’t know what is happening to his career. – Johnny Deppnek annyi bukott filmje volt mostanában. Nem tudom, mi történik a karrierjével.


meaning: a movie that is popular and makes a lot of money

magyarul: filmsiker

example: The Harry Potter books have been very popular and the movies were blockbusters too. – A Harry Potter regények nagyon népszerűek, és a filmek is sikeresek voltak.


meaning: a movie

jelentés: film

example: Have you seen any good flicks lately? – Láttál valami jó filmet mostanában?

to get the show on the road
meaning: to begin an activity or enterprise that has been planned
jelentés: elkezdeni, elindítani valami előre eltervezettet
example: Let’s get this show on the road. We are already late. – Most már induljunk el. Már késésben vagyunk.

to plug something
meaning: to advertise something
jelentés: reklámot beiktatni
example: Beer companies always plug their products during sports events. – A sörgyártók mindig sportesemények közben reklámozzák termékeiket.

That’s show business (for you).
meaning: that is the way that life really is
jelentés: ilyen az élet
example: What’s more, our house was broken into. That’s show business for you. – Sőt, a házunkba is betörtek. Tessék, ilyen az élet.  

I. Fill in the gaps with the words in the table.

show stopper

popcorn movies

The show must go on.

in the limelight



1. The film we watched yesterday was a ……….. Don’t waste your time with it.

2. I hate that she always …….. hair products when she is talking about her appearance.

3. We can’t let them down. …………

4. You can’t watch this actress in serious films, just in ………..

5. Her evening gown was amazing, it was a real ………..

6. Julia loves being ………….., she is like a Hollywood star.



1. bomb

2. plugs

3. The show must go on.

4. popcorn movies

5. show stopper

6. in the limelight

II. Match each idiom to its definition.


to get the show on the road






to be better than anyone else




to be in charge


to steal the show


to begin a pre-planned activity


to run the show


that is the way that life really is


That’s show business.


a popular and very successful movie


1. d.

2. f.

3. a.

4. b.

5. c.

6. e. 

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