2008.01.31 – GYAKORLÓ FELADATOK – Igeidők

5 perc Angol online magazin 2008 január 31. :::VIDEO :::SZINTFELMÉR? ::: ON-LINE FELADATOK – ::: ARCHIVUM-Tematikus ::: FORUM :::TANFOLYAMOK Szalai Nóri Ha bármilyen kérdésed vagy kérésed van kérlek bátran írj emailt info@5percangol.hu 5Perc Angol TV 1. Ray’s Pumpkin 2. PICK UP 3. DRIVING IN BUDAPEST 4. Raymond’s Christmas Special, avagy hol van Rudolph? 5. Raymond

5 perc Angol online magazin

2008 január 31.


Szia  !

Mára egy kis gyakorlást készítettem a múlt héten, és a héten tanult igeid?khöz, tehát a Present Simple és Continuous illetve a Past Simple és Continuoushoz.

Ha szeretnéd újra elolvasni ezeket a leckéket ismétlésként (vagy ha lemaradtál valamelyikr?l), akkor ezt itt teheted meg:

Present Simple 1.: /1/20080122.htm
Present Simple 2.:
Present Continuous 1.:
Present Continuous 2.:
Past Simple: /1/20080128.htm
Past Continuous: /1/20080130.htm

… és, hogy ma se maradjunk karaoke és videó nélkül, mára Paul McCartney Yesterday cím? számát hoztam, hogy gyakoroljuk egy kicsit még a Simple Past-ot. Jó dalolászást!

Ne felejtsd a Party-t sem! 2008.február 16-án nagyszabású Valentin-napi/Farsangi (kinek melyik tetszik jobban) bulit tartunk a szokott helyen: az V. kerület Arany János utcai metrómegállóban található VOX (régen UPSIDEDOWN) szórakozóhelyen 20.00 órás kezdettel. Remélem eljössz te is! Belép?jegyeket jöv? hét hétf?t?l lehet venni a nyelviskolában 1000 HUF-os áron, amely tartalmazza az ételfogyasztást és a tombolást is!

Jó tanulást kívánok a mai leckéhez!




1. Választd ki az igék megfelel? alakját! Használd a Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple és Past Continuous megfelel? alakjait!

Donna: Hello Martha! What are you doing/do you do (1)in this part of the town?
I look/I’m looking(2) for an office round here.
Office? Are you wanting/Do you want(3) to move your office from downtown?
No, actually we’re expanding/we expand(4) and we’re needing/we need more offices.
That’s great! Congratulations! And what about your family?
Well, my son’s getting married/gets married(5) this summer.
Oh! When did he decide/was he deciding(6)?
At Christmas. It was while we had dinner/were having dinner(7). It’s so exciting. What about a coffee? There’s a good place just around the corner.
That’s a good idea! I looked/was looking(8) for somewhere to sit down when I was seeing/saw you. Let’s go then!

2. Tedd a zárójelben lév? igéket a megfelel? igeid?be! Használd a Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple és Past Continuous megfelel? alakjait!

example: I remember the day she had a baby. We were having lunch in the garden when mother came out and told us. (have)

1. Why ……………………………….(you/wear) that heavy coat? It’s so hot outside!
2. The lawyer always claimed that the accused was innocent, bit for many years no one ………….. (believe) him.
3. The children didn’t want to come shopping with us because they ……….. (watch) a film.
4. Marty is upset because he injured his ancle when he ……….. (jog) yesterday and now he can’t go to Italy.
5. While I was shopping someone …….. (steal) my purse which …………….(contain) my credit card, too.
6. Look! …………………..(you/see) that man standing beside the vegetables? I’m sure he is a thief.
7. A: What a lovely hat you have!
    B: I know, but unfortunately it …………………(not/belong) to me. I’m just borrowing it.



All my troubles seemed so far away,
Now it looks as though they’re here to stay,
Oh, I believe in yesterday.

I’m not half the man I used to be,
There’s a shadow hanging over me,
Oh, yesterday came suddenly.

Why she
Had to go I don’t know, she wouldn’t say.
I said,
Something wrong, now I long for yesterday.

Love was such an easy game to play,

Now I need a place to hide away,
Oh, I believe in yesterday.

Why she
Had to go I don’t know, she wouldn’t say.
I said,
Something wrong, now I long for yesterday.

Love was such an easy game to play,
Now I need a place to hide away,
Oh, I believe in yesterday.


trouble baj, gond
to seem t?nik
far away messzi, távoli
shadow árnyék
to hang over függ vmi felett
suddenly hirtelen
to long for … vágyik valamire
to hide away elbújik

1. 1 – what are you doing, 2- I’m looking, 3- Do you want, 4- we’re expanding, 5-My son’s getting married, 6- Did he decide, 7- we were having dinner, 8- was looking

2. 1- are you wearing, 2- believed, 3- were watching, 4- was jogging, 5- stole, 6- Do you see/Can you see, 7- doesn’t belong


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