Hotel giving VIP service to lost bunny


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Hotel Not Only Returns Lost Toy, It Makes Photo Album of Bunny’s VIP Stay

When a little girl left her oldest and favorite stuffed animal behind at a hotel, the staff gave the bunny five-star treatment – complete with turn down service – until they could be reunited.

“I lost my owner at breakfast” the Adare Manor Hotel posted on its Facebook page, showing a picture of the bunny that a staffer had found.

“I have to stay at Adare Manor tonight, hopefully my owner will come to collect me tomorrow,” said the photo caption showing ‘Jellycat’ settled in for the night with the TV remote and chocolate on the bed.

By the next day, the hotel in Adare Village, Ireland had tracked down the owner, Kate Hogan.

With the crisis averted, Jellycat could relax at the manor, enjoying all the amenities, until Kate picked him up.

He got to chill on the patio

…have tea and cakes…

take a stroll around the manor grounds, after getting directions from the concierge

…before Kate arrived to take him home.

“Reunited at last … yippee!” Jellycat posted on the hotel’s Facebook page. “I got lots of lovely hugs from my pretty owner Kate and now we’re heading home for our next adventure.”

Kate sent her thanks to the hotel, along with a baby picture, taken about the time she first got the stuffed animal.

“Thank you for taking such good care of my special Jellycat,” she wrote. “He was my first ever teddy a whole three and a half years ago. I was so lonely going to sleep last night, but I now know he had the best time.”

Maybe the hotel got the idea from Tampa International Airport, which did the same thing, but actually printing a book of the photos for the boy who lost a Hobbes in June that was handmade by his grandmother.

And the story doesn’t end here. A kind Limerick lady from Ronniesbears sent the hotel an Adare Manor bunny of their very own and they have gladly taken him in as part of their team.

Adare Manor Bunny is currently doing his induction training and meeting the rest of his colleagues, but he will probably soon be settled into his role. You may even see him travelling around the world as he spreads the news about the kind and hospitable Adare Manor.

source: goodnewsnetwork

Here are a few definitions for you from the text. Find the word.

1. A hotel employee whose job is to assist guests by booking tours, making theatre and restaurant reservations.

2. Hotel service in which a room is cleaned and refreshed, and bed linen is turned down for sleeping, usually during the period guest is not in the room.

3. Top, VIP treatment.

4. Any feature that provides comfort, convenience, or pleasure.

5. A paved outdoor area adjoining a house.


1. concierge

2. turn down service

3. five-star treatment

4. amenity

5. patio


stuffed animal


five-star treatment

ötcsillagos ellátás

turn down service

hotelszoba rendbe rakása, takarítés, ágyazás

to be reunited

újra találkozni


belső munkatárs



TV remote


to track down


to avert






to take a stroll



szállodai ügyintéző, programszervező




otthon varrt, kézzel készített

induction training

bemutató/bevezető képzés

to be settled into his role

megtalálja/megszokja a szerepét

to spread the news

terjeszteni a hírt



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