Nézzünk meg néhány idiómát és kifejezést az "arany" szóval!
1. a golden boy or a golden girl – a well-regarded, popular,,successful man or woman – népszerű, sikeres ember
2. a golden handshake or a golden goodbye – it is a large sum of money that a company gives to an employee when he or she leaves, as a reward for long service or good work either on retirement in recognition of long or excellent service or as compensation for loss of employment – végkielégítés
3. a golden parachute – substantial benefits given to a top executive in the event that the company is taken over by another firm and the executive is terminated as a result of the merger or takeover – végkielégítés („arany ejtőernyő”)
4. golden handcuff – a large sum of money, typically deferred payments, provided by an employer to discourage an employee from taking employment elsewhere – jutalom, amit azért kap valaki, hogy ne keressen máshol állást
5. golden hello – it is a sum of money that a company offers to a person in order to persuade them to join the company – vállalathoz belépéskor kapott “üdvözlő” pénzösszeg
6. the golden hour – the time of day when natural light looks best for photography OR the first hour after a serious accident, when it is crucial that the victim receives medical treatment in order to have a chance of surviving – értékes/becses idő
7. to have golden ears – a great listening ability to discern quality, it is a term in audio circles referring to a person who is thought to possess special talents in hearing and claims to be able to discern subtle differences – akinek „arany füle” van apró különbségek meghallására például zenefelvételnél
8. agolden mean – the desirable middle the middle course between extremes – arany középút
9. golden age – an idyllic, often imaginary past time of peace, prosperity, and happiness OR the period when a specified art or activity is at its peak – aranykor
10. golden bible or golden plates – according to Latter Day Saint belief it is the source from which Joseph Smith said he translated the Book of Mormon, a sacred text of the faith – aranylemezek, a Mormon Könyvének forrása
11. golden opportunity – a very good chance to achieve something, an opportunity that may never present itself again – kihagyhatatlan lehetőség
12. golden rule of life – the most important principle to remember because it will help you to be successful – az élet arany szabálya
13. golden jubilee – it is the 50th anniversary of an important or special event – 50 éves évfordulója valaminek
14. golden wedding – it is the 50th anniversary of a wedding – aranylakodalom (50 éves házassági évforduló)
15. golden oldie – people sometimes refer to something that is still successful or popular even though it is quite old as a golden oldie esp. a hit record or song that has remained popular or enjoys arevival – örökzöld (sláger)
16. golden syrup – it is a sweet food in the form of a thick, sticky, yellow liquid used to sweeten and flavour cakes, puddings – juharszirup (méz helyettesítésére)
17. golden calf – the pursuit or idolization of material wealth – aranyborjú
18. golden goose – a goose in folklore that laid a golden egg a day until its greedy owner killed it in an attempt to get all the gold at once – aranytojást tojó tyúk
19. Golden Horde – the Mongol horde that devastated Europe in the early 13th century – Arany Horda
20. golden retriever – a medium-sized breed of dog having a silky coat of flat or wavy hair of a gold or dark-cream colour – golden retriever kutya
21. golden share – a nominal share in a company that controls at least 51% of the voting rights and so is able to outvote all other shares in certain specified circumstances, often held by a government organization – aranyrészvény
22. Golden Globe Award – it is an American accolade bestowed by the 93 members of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA) recognizing excellence in film and television, both domestic and foreign – Golden Globe – díj (Arany Glóbusz-díj)
23. to have a golden heart – to have a rich heart, full of love, faith and good values – aranyszíve van
24. golden years – the advanced years in a lifetime – idős kor
1. a golden boy or a golden girl |
A.substantial benefits given to a top executive in the event that the company is taken over by another firm and the executive is terminated as a result of the merger or takeover |
2. a golden handshake or a golden goodbye |
B.it is a sum of money that a company offers to a person in order to persuade them to join the company |
3. a golden parachute |
C.a great listening ability to discern quality, it is a term in audio circles referring to a person who is thought to possess special talents in hearing and claims to be able to discern subtle differences |
4. golden handcuff |
D.the most important principle to remember because it will help you to be successful |
5. golden hello |
E.it is the 50th anniversary of a wedding |
6. the golden hour |
F.a large sum of money, typically deferred payments, provided by an employer to discourage an employee from taking employment elsewhere |
7.to have golden ears |
G.a well-regarded, popular ,successful man or woman |
8. a golden mean |
H.the time of day when natural light looks best for photography OR the first hour after a serious accident, when it is crucial that the victim receives medical treatment in order to have a chance of surviving – |
9. golden age |
I.the desirable middle the middle course between extremes |
10. golden bible or golden plates |
J.it is the 50th anniversary of an important or special event |
11.golden opportunity |
K.it is a large sum of money that a company gives to an employee when he or she leaves, as a reward for long service or good work either on retirement in recognition of long or excellent service or as compensation for loss of employment |
12. golden rule of life |
L.according to Latter Day Saint belief it is the source from which Joseph Smith said he translated the Book of Mormon, a sacred text of the faith |
13.golden jubilee |
M.a very good chance to achieve something, an opportunity that may never present itself again |
14. golden wedding |
N.it is a sweet food in the form of a thick, sticky, yellow liquid used to sweeten and flavour cakes, puddings |
15. golden oldie |
O.an idyllic, often imaginary past time of peace, prosperity, and happiness OR the period when a specified art or activity is at its peak |
16. golden syrup |
P.a goose in folklore that laid a golden egg a day until its greedy owner killed it in an attempt to get all the gold at once |
17.golden calf |
Q.a nominal share in a company that controls at least 51% of the voting rights and so is able to outvote all other shares in certain specified circumstances, often held by a government organization |
18. golden goose |
R.it is an American accolade bestowed by the 93 members of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA) recognizing excellence in film and television, both domestic and foreign |
19. Golden Horde |
S. a person amongst a populace who everyone seems to love no matter what |
20.golden retriever |
T. the advanced years in a lifetime |
21. golden share |
U.to have a rich heart, full of love, faith and good values |
22.Golden Globe Award |
V.the Mongol horde that devastated Europe in the early 13th century |
23. to have a golden heart |
W.the pursuit or idolization of material wealth |
24. golden years |
X.a medium-sized breed of dog having a silky coat of flat or wavy hair of a gold or dark-cream colour |
25. golden child |
Y.people sometimes refer to something that is still successful or popular even though it is quite old as a golden oldie esp. a hit record or song that has remained popular or enjoys a revival |
1. G.
2. K.
3. A.
4. F.
5. B.
6. H.
7. C.
8. I.
9. O.
10. L.
11. M.
12. D.
13. J.
14. E.
15. Y.
16. N.
17. W.
18. P.
19. V.
20. X.
21. Q.
22. R.
23. U.
24. T.
25. S.
well-regarded |
jóhírű |
handshake |
kézfogás |
retirement |
nyugdíjazás |
in recognition of sg |
valami elismeréseként |
parachute |
ejtőernyő |
substantial |
jelentős, nagy összegű |
to terminate (a contract) |
szerződést bontani |
merger |
egyesülés, fúzió |
takeover |
átvétel |
handcuff |
bilincs |
deferred payments |
részletekben fizetve |
crucial |
kritikus |
to survive |
túlélni valamit |
to discern |
megkülönböztetni |
subtle |
apró, finom |
prosperity |
bőség, gazdagság |
at its peak |
fénykorában |
Latter Day Saints |
Utolsó Idők Szentjei (mormonok) |
sacred |
szent |
principle |
elv |
jubilee |
évforduló, jubileum |
revival |
megújulás, újjászületés |
pursuit |
hajsza |
idolization |
bálványozás |
material wealth |
anyagi javak |
greedy |
kapzsi |
to devastate |
elpusztítani, feldúlni |
nominal |
névleges |
accolade |
elismerés, jutalom |
to bestow |
adományozni |
populace |
lakosság, nép |