Words Often Confused – Words with ‘S’, ‘T’, ‘W’ and ‘Y’


Jöjjön egy adag könnyen összekeverhető szó - természetesen magyarázatokkal és feladattal. 

1. sceptic or septic?

sceptic /ˈskeptɪk/ = a person inclined to doubt – szkeptikus, kétkedő

septic /ˈseptɪk/ = infected with bacteria – fertőzött

2. sight or site?

sight /saɪt/ = the ability to see, something in your view – látás, látvány

site /saɪt/ = a location – hely, helyszín

3. stationary or stationery?

stationary /ˈsteɪʃənəri/ = not moving – álló, nem mozgó

stationery /ˈsteɪʃənəri/ = writing materials – irodaszerek és papíráru

4. storey or story?

storey /ˈstɔːri/ = a level of a building – emelet, szint

story /ˈstɔːri/ = a tale or account – történet

5. titillate or titivate?

titillate /ˈtɪtɪleɪt/ = to arouse interest – izgat, érdeklődését felkelti

titivate /ˈtɪtɪveɪt/ = to make more attractive –  kicicomáz, vonzóbbá tesz

6. tortuous or torturous?

tortuous /ˈtɔːtʃuəs/ = full of twists; complex – tekervényes, nem egyenes

torturous /ˈtɔːtʃərəs/ = full of pain or suffering – kínzó, gyötrő

7. wreath or wreathe?

wreath /riːθ/ = a ring-shaped arrangement of flowers – koszorú

wreathe /riːð/ = to surround or encircle – átölel, körbe/összefon

8. yoke or yolk?

yoke /jəʊk/ = a wooden crosspiece for harnessing a pair of oxen – iga

yolk = /jəʊk/ the yellow centre of an egg – tojás sárgája

Can you match the definition with the word?

1. sceptic

a. a location

2. septic

b. writing materials

3. sight

c. to make more attractive

4. site

d. a ring-shaped arrangement of flowers

5. stationary

e. the yellow centre of an egg

6. stationery

f. a person inclined to doubt

7. storey

g. a wooden crosspiece for harnessing a pair of oxen

8. story

h. infected with bacteria

9. titillate

i. full of twists; complex

10. titivate

j. a level of a building

11. tortuous

k. to surround or encircle

12. torturous

l. not moving

13. wreath

m. to arouse interest

14. wreathe

n. full of pain or suffering

15. yoke

o. the ability to see

16. yolk

p. a tale or account


1. f.

2. h.

3. o.

4. a.

5. l.

6. b.

7. j.

8. p.

9. m.

10. c.

11. i.

12. n.

13. d.

14. k.

15. g.

16. e.

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