Jöjjön ismét egy kis filmes feladat - ezúttal egy jelenetet nézünk meg a Grace Klinikából.
Grey’s Anatomy – The Interns Meet Bailey For The First Time
OK, Martin, Robinson, Bond, Hawkins.
Only six women out of 20.
Yeah. I hear one of them’s a model. Seriously, that’s gonna help with the respect thing?
– You’re Cristina, right?
Patton, Monroe
Which resident are you assigned to? I got Bailey.
– The Nazi? Me too.
– You got the Nazi? So did I. At least we’ll be tortured together, right? I’m George O’Malley.
Uh, we met at the, uh, mixer. You had on a black dress with a slit up the side, strappy sandals and… Now you think I’m gay. No, I’m not gay. It’s it’s just that, uh, you were You were very unforgettable.
O’Malley, Yang, Grey, Stevens.
And I’m totally forgettable.
– Bailey?
End of the hall.
That’s the Nazi?
I thought the Nazi would be a guy.
I thought the Nazi would be a Nazi.
Maybe it’s professional jealousy. She’s brilliant and they call her a Nazi because they’re jealous. Maybe she’s nice.
– Let me guess. You’re the model.
Hi, I’m Isobel Stevens, but everyone calls me Izzie.
I have five rules. Memorize them. Rule number one: Don’t bother sucking up. I already hate you. That’s not gonna change. Trauma protocol, phone list, pagers, nurses will page you. You will answer every page at a run. A run! That’s rule number two. Your first shift starts now and lasts 48 hours. You’re interns, grunts, nobodies, bottom of the surgical food chain. You run labs, write orders, work every second night until you drop, and don’t complain. On-call rooms. Attendings hog them. Sleep when you can where you can, which brings me to rule number three. If I’m sleeping, don’t wake me unless your patient is dying. Rule four: The dying patient better not be dead when I get there. Not only will you have killed someone, you woke me for no reason. We clear? Yes?
You said five rules. That was only four.
Rule number five: When I move, you move.
Watch the scene once again and decide who has said the following lines. M (Meredith), C (Cristina), G (George), I (Izzie), B (Baliey)
1. I hear one of them is a model.
2. I got Bailey.
3. Now you think I’m gay.
4. I thought the Nazi would be a Nazi.
5. I’m totally forgettable.
6. Don’t bother sucking up.
7. Maybe she’s nice.
8. Let me guess. You’re the model.
9. If I’m sleeping, don’t wake me up.
10. You said five rules.
1. C
2. M
3. G
4. M
5. G
6. B
7. I
8. C
9. B
10. M
respect |
tisztelet |
to be assigned |
kijelölve lenni |
mixer |
ismerkedő est |
slit |
hasíték, felvágás |
strappy sandals |
pántos szandál |
unforgettable |
felejthetetlen |
gay |
meleg, homoszexuális |
professional jealousy |
szakmai féltékenység |
to suck up |
nyalizni |
pager |
csipogó |
intern |
gyakornok |
grunt |
gyalogos katona |
surgical |
sebészeti |
shift |
műszak |
to complain |
panaszkodni |
on-call room |
ügyeleti szoba |
attending |
feljebbvaló, felettes |
to hog |
elhappolni, túl sok ideig használni valamit |