Gyakran összekevert szavak - B betűvel. Ne ess te is bele a hibába!
Words Often Confused – Words With ‘B’
1. balmy or barmy?
balmy = pleasantly warm – balzsamos
barmy = foolish, crazy – dilis, ütődött
2. bare or bear?
bare = naked; to uncover – meztelen, csupasz, lekopaszít, lemeztelenít
bear = to carry; to put up with – hord, elszenved, kibír
3. bated or baited?
bated = in phrase ‘with bated breath’, i.e. in great suspense – visszafojtott (lélegzettel)
baited = with bait attached or inserted – felcsalizott
4. bazaar or bizarre?
bazaar = a Middle Eastern market – bazár (Közel-Keleten piac)
bizarre = strange – furcsa, különös
5. berth or birth?
berth = a bunk in a ship, train, etc. – ágy, hálóhely (hajón, vonaton)
birth = the emergence of a baby from the womb – születés
6. born or borne?
born = having started life – megszületve (lenni)
borne = carried – hordva, vive (a bear ige múlt idejű alakja)
7. bough or bow?
bough = a branch of a tree – faág
bow = to bend the head; the front of a ship – meghajolni, hajó orra
8. brake or break?
brake = a device for stopping a vehicle; to stop a vehicle – fék, fékezni
break = to separate into pieces; a pause – összetörni, eltörni, szünet
9. breach or breech?
breach = to break through, or break a rule; a gap – áttörni, szabályt megszegni, rés
breech = the back part of a gun barrel – závárzat
10. broach or brooch?
broach = to raise a subject for discussion – felhoz/felvet egy kérdést
brooch = a piece of jewellery – bross
Decide which of the words you would use in the following sentences.
1. balmy or barmy?
The ………… days of late summer are my favourite part of the year.
2. bare or bear?
He was ….. from the waist up showing all his well-built muscles.
3. bated or baited?
John waited with ………. breath for the results of his exams.
4. bazaar or bizarre?
This situation is so ……….. I can’t wait to see what’s going to happen in the end.
5. berth or birth?
I’m extremely tired because the train ……. was very uncomfortable. I couldn’t sleep all night.
6. born or borne?
Mosquito – …….. diseases cause a lot of problems in the Far East.
7. bough or bow?
The …….. of the ship was painted blue.
8. brake or break?
The ……. of the car went wrong on the way home, but we managed to drive home safe.
9. breach or breech?
If you …….. the rules you will be punished.
10. broach or brooch?
I inherited a beautiful silver …… from my grandmother.
1. balmy
2. bare
3. bated
4. bizarre
5. berth
6. borne
7. bow
8. brake
9. breach
10. brooch