Ma tovább folytatjuk a hallás utáni értés gyakorlását – ami természetesen nem csak a nyelvvizsgázóknak hasznos, hiszen a beszélt vagy hallott szöveget mindenkinek értenie kell! A mai leckében is három szinten találsz feladatokat, így ki tudod választani, hogy számodra melyik a legtesthezállóbb.
Ha szeretnéd az eddigi leckéket is megnézni, akkor ezeket itt találod: KORÁBBI LECKÉK
Ne feledd a nyomtatott magazinunkat sem, amelyet minden újságosnál, hiper- és szupermarketben, illetve benzinkúton meg tudsz vásárolni. Az ára 750 forint, amely tartalmazza az újsághoz tartozó hanganyagokat is (brit és amerikai verzióban). A nyári időszakban keresd az üdülőhelyeken is a magazint, hiszen strandolás közben is lehet tanulni : )
Az aktuális számba itt kukkanthatsz bele:
Jó tanulást!
hanganyagok meghallgatása: ITT
Alapfok (B1)
A szöveg meghallgatása után válaszd ki a helyes megoldást és jelöld meg azt az értékelő lapon.
1. Anne doesn’t come from London. T/F
2. Anne is older than her brother. T/F
3. Pete and Anne study in London. T/F
4. Anne and Pete feed swans at the park. T/F
5. Anne and Pete like thrillers the most. T/F
Középfok (B2)
Olvasd el a feladatot. A szöveg meghallgatása után válaszold meg a kérdéseket!
A dog’s best friend
1. Mit tett a társával a szóban forgó spániel? (3)
2. Milyen állapotban találtak rá a másik kutyára? (3)
3. Mennyi ideig tartott ki társa mellett a spániel? (1)
4. Milyen két természeti katasztrófát említ a szöveg? (2)
5. Mit hittek eleinte a riporterek? (1)
6. Hova vitték a két kutyát? (2)
7. Írd le, hogyan nézett ki a két kutya! (3)
Felsőfok (C1)
Olvasd el a feladatot. A szöveg meghallgatása után válaszold meg a kérdéseket!
St Bernard mistaken for bank robber has last meal before being put down
1. Mi történt a 92 kilós háziálattal? (2)
2. Mit tartottak elképesztőnek vele kapcsolatban a gyerekek? (1)
3. Miért lett Arthur népszerű? (1)
4. Mi történt a Locksbottom-i bankban? (4)
5. Hogyan törte össze Arthur Ms Meyer kocsiját? (4)
6. Miért vonták még Arthurt felelőségre? (3)
Alapfok (B1) hanganyag szövege:
My name is Anne Smith and I come from Australia. Right now I am living in London because I am studying here. My brother is also here with me in this city. He is called Pete and he is 24 years old. He is 2 years younger than me. He is working at a restaurant as a waiter at the moment. I also work sometimes. I am a babysitter for two sisters. They are 9 and 8 years old and I love them very much. I pick them up from school, we go home, I help them with their homework, I make them something to eat and then we play together. I like going to the park with them. In the park we feed the swans and we play on the playground. In my free time I often visit museums and art galleries. My hobby is painting. I also like going to the cinema. We usually go to the cinema with my brother and some of our friends. We like comedies the most, but I also like thrillers very much. When the weather is nice and warm, and it is not rainy, we go on picnics.
Középfok (B2) hanganyag szövege:
A dog’s best friend
A loyal spaniel saved the life of his injured friend who was barely moving by sticking by his side following the tsunami – and leading a group of rescuers to him. In heartwarming footage, the brown and white dog leads reporters to the injured mud-splattered animal who is lying flat out among the wreckage. The dog had seemingly stuck by the side of the wounded animal in Arahama, Sendai, for days following the earthquake and tsunami. TV crews who were filming in the area initially thought the spaniel was guarding a dead dog, before they excitedly realized the injured animal was alive and being protected. The dog was later rushed to the vets in Mito, while the loyal dog was taken to a nearby shelter. The crews thought the white dog was dead but they shout excitedly ‘Yes! Yes! He is alive’ as they spot his head moving. The crews were shocked to discover that the apparently dead dog has survived. In an English translation, the reporter apparently says: ‘We are in Arahama area. Looks like there is a dog. There is a dog. He looks tired and dirty. He must have been caught in the tsunami. He looks very dirty. He has a collar. He must be someone’s pet. He has a silver collar. He is shaking. He seems very afraid. Both dogs have now been rescued, according to a Facebook post by Kenn Sakurai, president of a dog and cat food firm which aids animal rescue operations. ‘The one which came close to the camera is in the better condition,’ he explained. The other white, gray and black was weak. So it is in the vet clinic in Ibaraki Prefectre. The other dog is in the shelter of the same area. ‘But please know that those two are just the tip of the iceberg. There are more and we need help.’
Felsőfok (A1) hanganyag szövege:
St Bernard mistaken for bank robber has last meal before being put down
Arthur – the St Bernard accused of bank robbery – enjoyed a final meal of steak, pork chops and mince, as well as his favourite boiled eggs for his last meal. The 92kg (14st 9lb) pet developed a tumour on a leg but before he was put down by a vet, his owner Heather Meyers decided to let Arthur live it up at meal times and was fed a huge meal. Ms Meyers, 50, said: ‘He brought a lot of joy to children. What they found fascinating was he sat on their laps but he was bigger than them. The loss has affected the family terribly. It’s like grieving for a human being.’ Seven-year-old Arthur became a local celebrity in Orpington, south-east London, after being mistakenly accused of robbing a bank. He bolted through the bank doors in Locksbottom, sparking panic among customers. Believing there was a robbery taking place, staff put the shutters down and locked everyone inside until realising it was over-friendly Arthur. He also crashed Ms Meyers’ car. While waiting in the car for her to come back from the shops, a man came up to the vehicle to say hello. In his excitement, Arthur jumped on the handbrake, sending the car rolling backwards into another vehicle while he was sitting in the driver’s seat. Ms Meyers had to send a photograph of Arthur to the insurance company because he was in charge of the vehicle at the time of the crash. Arthur was also responsible for smashing two Tiffany-style lamps and landing on a £3,000 white leather sofa after running into a furniture store, and was regularly accused of stealing cricket balls at local matches to give to his labrador girlfriend Molly. Dozens of people visited him during his last week to say goodbye and lay flowers, said Ms Meyers.
Alapfok: 1)T, 2)T, 3)F, 4)F, 5)F
1) Megmentette az életét azáltal hogy napokig melette maradt és hozzávezette a mentőcsapatot.
2) Sérült volt, sár boritotta és élettelenül feküdt.
3) Napokig.
4) Földrengés és tsunami (szökőár).
5) Hogy egy halott kuyát őriz a másik.
6) A sérültet egy állatorvoshoz Mitoba, a másikat egy menhelyre.
7) Az egyik, spániel barna-fehér foltos, ezüst nyakörvvel, a másik fehér-szürke-fekete foltos.
1) A lábában daganat fejlődött ki és elaltatták.
2) Hogy miközben az ölükbe ült nagyobb volt náluk.
3) Mert hamisan megvádolták egy bankrablással.
4) Arthur bevágtatott a bankba, pánikot keltve, és mivel azt hitte a személyzet, hogy rablás történik, mindenkit bezártak és bent tartottak a bankban mig ki nem derült, hogy csak a kutya volt túl barátságos.
5) A kocsiban várta gazdáját amikor odament valaki üdvözölni, megörült és izgalmában véletlenül kiengedte a kéziféket és a kocsi belegurult a háta mögött álló kocsiba.
6) Összetört 2 Tiffany lámpát, egy 3000 fontos fehér bőr kanapéra landolt amikor berohant egy bútorüzletbe és rendszeresen vádolták krikettlabda lopással.