Remélem mindenkinek kellemesen telt a hétvégéje. Mi pár napra ismét elmentünk pihenni egy picit a tengerpartra, ma pedig folytatjuk tovább a munkát, hiszen hamarosan nyomdába kerül a magazin augusztusi száma is.
Ezen a héten sokak “mumusával” a hallás utáni értéssel fogunk foglalkozni, és három szinten (alap-, közép- és felsőfok) küldök feladatokat hanganyaggal.
Ha szeretnél még angolozni velünk a napi leckék mellett is, akkor nézz bele a nyomtatott magazin júliusi számába, amely kapható minden újságosnál, hiper- és szupermarketben, illetve benzinkúton!
Jó tanulást!
hanganyagok meghallgatása: ITT
Alapfok (B1)
A szöveg meghallgatása után válaszd ki a helyes megoldást és jelöld meg azt az értékelő lapon.
1. Pierre’s grandparents are Hungarian. T/F
2. Pierre has two daughters and twins. T/F
3. Pierre and I live very close to each other. T/F
4. We watch comedies and horror movies. T/F
5. Pierre’s garden is bigger than my garden. T/F
Középfok (B2)
Olvasd el a feladatot. A szöveg meghallgatása után válaszold meg a kérdéseket!
Man shot in head sneezes out bullet
- Miért döbbentek meg az orvosok Darco Sangarro kezelésekor? (2)
- Mit mondanak az orvosok Mr. Sangarro felépülését illetően? (1)
- Milyen tünetekre panaszkodott Darco Sangarro? (2)
- Hogyan véleményezte a műtétet végző sebész az esetet? (4)
- Hol és mikor történt a baleset? (2)
- Minek köszönhetően kapott Mr. Sangarro fejlövést? (2)
- Milyen hasonló esetek történtek Nápolyban? (2)
Felsőfok (C1)
Olvasd el a feladatot. A szöveg meghallgatása után válaszold meg a kérdéseket!
What makes us happy?
- Az elmúlt hónapban milyen felmérést végeztek brit tudósok és mit állapítottak meg?(3)
- Mivel támasztják alá, azt a feltételezést, hogy már születésünkor eldől boldogok leszünk-e vagy sem? Említs 2 elentétes példát. (3)
- A kutatások alapján pontosan kik a legboldogabbak kapcsolataikban? (4)
- Miért kezdődik a boldogság 50 éves kortól és a nők hogyan kivételesek a megllapításokkal szemben? (2)
- Mi állapítható meg a pénz és a boldogság kölcsönhatásáról a felmérések alapján? (3)
Alapfok (B1) hanganyag szövege:
My best friend comes from France. He is called Pierre Noir and he is thirty years old. He is French but his grandmother is Hungarian. When Pierre was young he spent his summers in Hungary. My grandmother and his grandmother are best friends. We met when we were 5 years old. He came to Budapest to study Hungarian at the university. He lives here with his family now. He has two daughters. They are twins. They have beautiful blond hair and big blue eyes. I have a son and the children go to kindergarten together. They are all 5 years old now. My family and Pierre’s family spend a lot of time together. Our wives are very good friends too. They work at the same company. We also live next to each other. When we have time, we like to watch movies and play board games together. Sometimes they come to our house and sometimes we visit them. When the weather is nice, we usually go to their house because their garden is bigger than ours. While our children play, we can talk and laugh a lot. In the evenings we often have dinner together and after we watch a good movie. We like comedies and we never watch horror films. We also watch a lot of cartoons because our children like them the most. We also go on holidays together. We like going to Lake Balaton because our grandmothers live there.
Középfok (B2) hanganyag szövege:
Man shot in head sneezes out bullet
Gunshot victim Darco Sangarro stunned doctors by sneezing out a bullet that had hit him in the head. Mr Sangermano, 34, who is expected to make a full recovery, then said he felt no pain other than a strong headache.‘This was a very strange case and the first of its kind I am aware of,’ said Prof Sam Berk, who carried out a ‘tidy-up operation’ on Mr Sangarro before sending him home. ‘He was a very lucky man – he could have been easily killed.’ Mr Sangarro was partying with his friends on December 31st when the almost fatal accident happened. They were walking on the street from one party to another when they passed an especially loud and lively crowd of very drunk men. They did not think they were in danger. There were masses of partying people all around them and everybody seemed happily drunk, awaiting midnight. Mr Sangarro and his friends later also said that they did notice that some of the people on the streets had firecrackers, but they thought that it wasn’t unusual and that nobody would get hurt. They heard loud bangs, but did not think it was from guns. Unfortunately, the bangs that they heard did come from the guns some of the revelers fired into the air. It was a stray bullet that hit Mr Sangarro in the head. Mr Sangarro’s girlfriend, who asked not to be named, said: ‘We were walking when all of a sudden there were some bangs and he said he felt a pain to his head – he was covered in blood.’ The .22-calibre round entered the right side of his head, passed behind his eye, hit a bone in his nose and finally lodged in his nostril, before being sneezed out in hospital. The incident happened in Naples, Italy, where two other people were hit and one was killed in similar incidents.
Source: Daily News
Felsőfok (A1) hanganyag szövege:
What makes us happy?
The pursuit of lasting happiness has long been a subject of interest for scientists and surveys alike. But what makes us really happy and what lasting benefits does happiness have? Well, earlier this month, scientists from the University of Illinois found, not too surprisingly, that the people who are happy and positive about life live longer. The researchers found “clear and compelling evidence” that happiness is key when it comes to better health and longer life spans. Last month a British study, which tracked members of 40,000 households across the country, concluded that eating a family meal at least three times a week is the key to happiness because it helps build a strong bond between parents and their children. Then again, happiness might be predetermined and it can already be decided as early in your life as when you are born. Names can apparently predict how happy we are as individuals; with researchers at Manchester Metropolitan University claiming in 2009 that people called Judy and Joshua enjoy life the most. Ben, Andrew and Edward were seen as miserable names on the other hand. Married couples are most likely to be happy with their relationships, according to the study, which also found that the happiest relationships are those less than five years old between two university graduates who have no children. Research has also suggested that happiness begins at 50. A study from Stony Brook University, New York, found that stress, anger and worry fade after your 50th. Not so necessarily for many women, who were also reported to suffer greater stress, worry and sadness at all ages. Money makes the world go round, but it is not the key to happiness, according to other studies. In 2008, a survey from the Office for National Statistics found that British families were healthier and twice as well off as they were 20 years ago, but are no happier nevertheless. However, other studies have found money can buy you happiness after all, but only if you spend it wisely. Indeed, that might be why a good holiday can boost your happiness levels “for up to two months” after – although the break has to be “very relaxing” to have such an effect.
Source: The Telegraph
1) F, 2) F, 3) T, 4) F, 5) T
- Mert kitüsszentett egy golyót, ami a fejét találta el.
- Teljes felépülést jósolnak neki.
- Nem érzett fájdalmat, de erős fejfájása volt.
- Azt mondta, hogy nagyon különleges eset, először fordult ilyen elő, nagyon szerencsés embenek tartja Darco Sangarro-t, mert könnyen meghalhatott volna.
- Az utcán történt december 31-én, szilveszterezéskor.
- Az ünnepelők a levegőbe lövöldöztek és az egyik golyó véletlenül eltalálta a fejét.
- Két másik embert talált el golyó és egy meghalt hasonló esetekben.
- 40, 000 háztartást vizsgáltak országszerte és megállapították, hogy a legalább hetente háromszor együtt étkező családok tagjai boldogabbak, mert erősebb kötelék alakult ki a szülők és a gyerekek között.
- A nevek, amelyeket kapunk befolyásolhatják boldogságunkat. Kutatások alapján a Judy nevűek boldogabbak, mint az Andrew nevűek, például.
- A házaspárok boldogabbak és azok az egyetemi diplomások, akik kevesebb, mint öt éve vannak együtt és nincs gyerekük.
- 50 fölött enyhül a stressz, düh és az aggodalom. A nőknél minden korban előfordulhat, hogy nagyobb stresszt, aggodalmat és szomorúságot élnek át.
- Bár gazdagabbak és egészségesebbek ma az emberek, mint 20 éve, nem boldogabbak. A pénz boldogíthat, de csak ha bölcsen költöd el. Egy jó nyaralás 2 hónapig “boldogíthat” utólag, de csak, ha nagyon pihentető volt.