Jöjjön most még egy levéltéma, természetesen levélmintával és szószedettel.
Complaint letter
Dear Manager,
I am really sorry to disturb you with my complaint but now I have really had enough. I have been a regular customer in your bank for twenty-five years now. I have been highly satisfied with your service so far.
However, for several weeks I have experienced such rude treatment from one of your tellers that I refuse to tolerate it any longer. Each time I try to make a transaction through Ms. White, she acts as though I were an annoyance. In one instance, she said she has “no patience in dealing with such petty transactions.” when I wanted to transfer 50 dollars from my account.
I trust that you will speak to her about polite customer service. If she continues to have this attitude, I will move my accounts to another bank. Customers are not an annoyance; we are the ones who pay her salary.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. James Black
Írj panaszos levelet az egyik ismert áruház igazgatójának az alábbi szempontoknak megfelelően.
– rendszeres vásárlójuk vagy
– eleged van az eladók udvariatlanságából
– új mobil telefont próbáltál venni, de csúnyán bántak veled, nem segítettek
– kérd meg az igazgatót, hogy utasítsa a munkatársait arra, hogy udvariasan bánjanak a vásárlókkal
– ha semmi sem változik, kénytelen leszel a másik nagyáruházat előnyben részesíteni
Dear Manager,
I am really sorry to disturb you with my complaint but now I have really had enough. I have been a regular customer in your hypermarket for several years. I have been mostly satisfied with your service so far.
But I have experienced such rude treatment from one of your salesmen that I refuse to tolerate it any longer. I tried to buy an expensive mobile phone last week. I asked for help but the salesman I talked to acted as though I were an annoyance. He was downright rude and just wanted to get rid of me as soon as possible.
I trust that you will speak to your employees about polite customer service. If I continue to experience this attitude, I will definitely do the shopping in the other hypermarket in town.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Ms. Jane Crimson
complaint letter |
panaszos levél |
I am really sorry to disturb you. |
Igazán sajnálom, hogy zavarom. |
I have really had enough. |
Igazán elegem van. |
regular customer |
régi /rendszeresen odajáró ügyfél |
to be highly satisfied |
nagyon elégedettnek lenni |
rude |
durva, udvariatlan |
treatment |
bánásmód |
teller |
bankpénztáros |
I refuse to tolerate it |
tovább már nem tűrhetem |
to make a transaction |
tranzakciót bonyolítani |
she acts as though |
úgy viselkedik, mintha |
annoyance |
bosszantás, alkalmatlankodás |
petty |
apró, pitiáner |
to transfer |
átutalni |
account |
számla |
polite customer service |
udvarias bánásmód az ügyfelekkel |
salary |
fizetés |