April Fools’ reverse joke ends in brand new BMW as a gift


Áprilisi tréfának szánták? Nem:) 

April Fools’ reverse joke ends in brand new BMW as a gift

A double-bluff on April Fools’ Day was no match for a woman who cashed in on a seemingly ridiculous luxury car trade-in promotion.

Tianna Marsh was the first person to try the unusual trade-in offer from the BMW Newmarket dealership.

The carmaker said it was keeping alive a tradition of April 1 pranks with its front-page ad in the New Zealand Herald .

The “April Fools’ Day special” promised a new BMW to the first person who took their car and the front-page coupon to the dealership.

Ms Marsh was first at the Newmarket car dealership this morning, arriving in her 15-year-old Nissan Avenir.

She was swiftly rewarded with a new BMW 1 Series worth almost $50,000 in exchange for the old station wagon.

Ms Marsh arrived at the car dealership about 5.30am, Team McMillan BMW sales manager Gavin Penfold said.

“It couldn’t have gone to a more deserving winner,” Mr Penfold said.

The firm had hired security guards, in case riots broke out or big queues caused trouble.

But it seemed most people who saw the ad couldn’t believe it, as Mr Penfold said other people seemed to turn up after Ms Marsh arrived.

“When I met her outside, I just acted dumb,” Mr Penfold said.

“She said ‘I’m here for the Herald competition.’ I said: ‘I know nothing about it'”, Mr Penfold recalled.

As the ad stated, Ms March asked for “Tom” and soon enough, she was a winner.

There were no tears shed for the 15-year-old station wagon.

“There didn’t seem to be any emotional attachment to that car whatsoever,” Mr Penfold said.

“This year’s effort, our most audacious and elaborate yet, is one we’re particularly proud of as we believe this reverse April 1 joke to be a world first, especially giving away a brand new car,” said BMW spokesman Ed Finn.

“The ad was intentionally vague and definitely appeared too good to be true, but in this case we wanted to turn the tables and reward the first person who was willing to take the chance.

In case you think news of Ms Marsh’s new car might all be a joke within a joke, BMW uploaded footage of Ms Marsh and her new car to YouTube.

Mr Finn said Ms Marsh’s new car had the licence plate NOF00L and she would also get a free “BMW Driving Experience” course at Hampton Downs racetrack south of Auckland. 
Mr Finn said the Avenir was now on display at the BMW Mt Wellington head office and would be put up for sale or auction.

Money from selling the old Nissan would be donated to GoBabyGo, a charity that provided modified, ride-on cars to young disabled children. The modified small electric vehicles help them move around independently.


Find the words in the text that can be used in these sentences.


1. Millions of people saw the famous …………… (1) about his Olympic victory.

2. They had to study the …………… (2) system for hours to understand it.

3. Everybody laughed at her …………… (3) clothes.

4. The seats were …………… (4) to make them more comfortable for elderly people.

5. I had only …………… (5) memories of the place, I couldn’t remember it very well.

6. He was …………… (6) for her bravery with a medal.

7. Her parents pointed out the risks in her …………… (7) plan.

8. It turned out that the wonderful promise was only a …………… (8).

9. The treasure will be on …………… (9) in the local museum.

10. There was a …………… (10) in the city after the police shot the man.




1. footage

2. elaborate

3. ridiculous

4. modified

5. vague

6. rewarded

7. audacious

8. bluff

9. display

10. riot



blöff, tréfa

to be no match for somebody

nem fogott ki rajta

to cash in












to reward


in exchange for

valamiért cserébe

couldn't have gone

nem is kerülhetett volna



in case

ha netán



to turn up


to act dumb

hülyének tettetni magát

were no tears shed

nem hullottak könnyek


merész, vakmerő,


részletesen kidolgozott

reverse April 1 joke

visszájára fordított április 1-i tréfa


bizonytalan, homályos

too good to be true

túl szép ahhoz, hogy igaz legyen

to turn the tables

megfordítani a dolgot

to take the chance

felvállalni a rizikóját valaminek



no fool

nem bolond

to be on display

ki van állítva

to put up for sale

eladásra felkínálni

to donate



jótékonysági szervezet







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