Elnézéskérés autós koccanás miatt – párbeszéd


Egy rövid párbeszéd arra az esetre, ha véletlenül nekimennénk a szomszéd kocsijának:)

Apoligising for bumping someone’s car

Man: Hello, good morning. Sorry I’m disturbing you so early.

Woman: Good morning. What’s happened?

Man: I just wanted to let you know that last night, while parking I bumped into the back of your car.

Woman: Oh.

Man: As far as I could see in the dark there is no damage. I thought we could have a look together and if something’s wrong, I’ll pay for it, of course.

Woman: Just a moment, let me get my coat.

Man: I’m really sorry. It wouldn’t have happened if the parking sensors had been working.

Woman: Luckily it doesn’t look much to me.

Man: So I thought I just wanted to make sure you know about it. How about that dent?

Woman: That’s not new. I got that last year. It’s not so easy to park in the dark. I remember bumping that post over there.

Man: I guess we could do with more street lights in this area. Maybe we should petition the council.

Woman: We could try, though that may take months. You’d better get your sensors fixed.

Man: I definitely will. This is my phone number just in case it turns out there’s some internal damage.

Woman: There’s no need really. It was probably nothing if it doesn’t show on the bumper.

Man: Please take it. It will put my mind at ease.

Woman: All right. Thanks for letting me know. Few people take the trouble these days.



Sorry, I’m disturbing you so early. Elnézést, hogy ilyen korán zavarlak.
What’s happened? Mi történt?
I just wanted to let you know … . Csak tudatni akartam veled, hogy … .
I bumped into the back of your car. Beleütköztem a kocsid hátuljába.
As far as I could see … . Amennyire láttam … .
There is no damage. Nem keletkezett kár.
Let me get my coat. – Hadd vegyem fel a kabátomat.
I wouldn’t have happened if … . Nem történt volna meg, ha … .
I just wanted to make sure you know about it. Csak biztos akartam lenni, hogy tudj róla.
We could do with more street lights. El kelne több utcai lámpa.It will put my mind at ease.Nyugodtabb leszek tőle.
Thank you for letting me know. Köszönöm, hogy szóltál.
Few people take the trouble these days. Manapság kevesen veszik a fáradtságot.


to disturb somebodyzavarni valakit
to happenvalami megtörténik
to bump into somethingbeleütközni valamibe
to have a lookmegnézni valamit/ránézni valamire
parking sensorparkolás érzékelő
luckily szerencsére
to make suremeggyőződni valamiről
dent horpadás
post oszlop
street lightköztéri világítás
counciltanács, önkormányzat
to get something fixedmegjavíttatni valamit
internal damagebelső sérülés/kár
to let somebody knowtudatni valakivel

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