The Big Bang Theory – Sheldon Guarding His Parking Spot


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The Big Bang Theory – Sheldon Guarding His Parking Spot

Sheldon: Morning, Professor Stevens. Don’t look at that whiteboard. That’s my math, not your math. Keep walking, nosey.

Howard: What the hell are you doing?

Sheldon: Oh. You said I’m not using my space, so I’m using it.

Howard: Okay, you need to move now.

Sheldon: No, I don’t.

Howard: You can’t stay there forever.

Sheldon: Actually, I have a plastic baggy strapped to my leg that says I can. Give up, Wolowitz. You’ve chosen to tangle with a superior intellect you can’t defeat. There is nothing you could possibly do to… 

Howard: Those aren’t gonna help you, Sheldon,

Sheldon: Oh, yes, they are. I mean, what?

Howard: I’m warning you, Sheldon!

Sheldon: Your threats are empty, nothing can move me. Stop that.

Howard: Get out of my spot.

Sheldon: No. That’s it. I am calling campus security. You prepare for the scolding of your life.

Leonard: What are you idiots doing?

Sheldon: He’s trying to kill me, Leonard. Video games and rock music have desensitized him to violence.

Howard: Would you please talk some sense into your lunatic roommate?

Leonard: You’re both acting like lunatics. It’s just a parking spot.

Howard: It’s not just a parking spot. He can’t handle the fact that I’m a bigger deal than he is now.

Sheldon: Oh, preposterous. I have been solely responsible for this university’s six loop quantum gravity calculations, I have changed the way we think about Bose-Einstein condensates, and I am also the one who got Nutter Butters in the cafeteria vending machine. Maybe you missed that news while you were floating around like a goof in outer space. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have work to do.

Howard: Can you believe this guy?

Leonard: What I don’t believe is that you tried to run him over.

Howard: Oh, like you’ve never thought of doing that. Don’t hate me just because I lived the dream. 

Sheldon: Hey, sweet ride.

Howard: What are you doing in there?

Sheldon: Just breaking in your new car.

Howard: Stop that. You stop that.

Sheldon: You know what they say? Revenge is a dish best served nude.



fehér tábla (amire filccel lehet írni, nem krétával)





to tangle with a superior intellect

egy magasabb rendű intellektussal kezdtél ki

to defeat


to warn sy

figyelmeztetni valakit

your threats are empty

üresek a fenyegetéseid

campus security

egyetemi őrség

desensitizedhim to violence

érzéketlenné tette az erőszak ellen


letolás, leszidás


ostoba, felháborítóan nevetséges

to be solely responsible for sg

kizárólagosan felelősnek lenni valamiért

vending machine

étel vagy ital automata

to float around

lebegni össze-vissza


tökfilkó, fajankó

to run sy over

elütni valakit, átmenni valakin autóval

to break in

betörni valami újat használat előtt

Revenge is a dish best served in nude

A bosszú egy olyan fogás, ami a legjobb pucéran tálalva.

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