Meghalt Gene Hackman, felesége és a kutyájuk is

Holtan találták a legendás 95 éves hollywoodi színészt, Gene Hackmant.

Legendary actor Gene Hackman, wife Betsy and dog found dead inside New Mexico home

Legendary Hollywood actor Gene Hackman has been found dead in his Santa Fe, New Mexico home alongside his wife, classical pianist Betsy Arakawa, according to the Santa Fe New Mexican, citing police.

Santa Fe County police discovered the body of the two-time Oscar winner, 95, and 63-year-old Arakawa — his wife of 34 years and their dog — on Wednesday afternoon.

No foul play is suspected and no cause of death has been announced.

Santa Fe County Sheriff Adan Mendoza confirmed the news on Thursday.

Hackman was one of the most accomplished actors of all time, thanks to star turns in “The French Connection,” “Bonnie and Clyde” and “The Royal Tenenbaums.”

The actor’s prolific resume includes two Oscars, three Golden Globes and the Cecil B. DeMille Award, bestowed in 2003.

Hackman remembers his father, Eugene, saying goodbye to the family with the wave of a hand when he was 13.

The two-time Oscar winner is known for his role in 1971’s “The French Connection.”Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images

“I hadn’t realized how much one small gesture can mean,” Hackman told GQ in 2011. “Maybe that’s why I became an actor.”

Hackman joined the Marines at 16, serving four-and-a half years in China, Japan, and Hawaii, before seeking a degree in journalism and television production at the University of Illinois.

He abandoned those plans to pursue a serious acting career, enrolling at 27 in the Pasadena Playhouse in California, where he met 19-year-old Dustin Hoffman.

“There was something about him that — like he had a secret. You just knew he was going to do something,” Hackman recalled to Vanity Fair in 2004.

They formed a tight-knit group with Robert Duvall and tried to launch their careers in NYC.

source: NY Post


to be found dead holtan találva lenni
according to valami/valaki szerint
alongside … mellett
to cite idézni
to discover felfedezni
body holttest
fould play idegenkezűség
to be suspected gyanúsnak lenni
cause of death a halál oka
accomplished elismert
prolific resume termékeny önéletrajz
wave of hand kézlegyintés
degree diploma
journalism újságírás
to abandon elhagyni, otthagyni
to purse a career karriert űzni/folytatni
to enroll beiratkozni
to recall felidézni
tight-knit group szűk csoport