Egy érdekes olvasmány az alvásról szószedettel és "nyomkodós" teszttel.
Dos and don’ts for restful sleep
Few experiences are as maddening as a restless night. Sleep should, in theory, be the most natural and effortless activity in the world, yet insomnia is common to many of us. To add to the frustration, it is now becoming clear that the hours you spend in bed are just as important to your physical and mental health as those spent walking, talking and eating. A good night’s rest can help regulate your mood, sharpen your attention, and boost your memory, while ailments from heart disease to diabetes have been linked to those struggling to get sufficient sleep.
Don’t… drink caffeine after dark
Avoiding caffeine is obvious advice, but it’s worth repeating. The good news is that you may not need to be as strict as once thought. If you have your last coffee in the early afternoon, most of the caffeine will have been flushed out of your body by 11pm.
Do… keep a sleep diary
Cutting down on alcohol, taking regular exercise, avoiding daytime naps and following a rigid bedtime schedule can also improve your “sleep hygiene” and set you up for deeper slumbers. And it should go without saying that you should avoid doing anything strenuous or stressful within a few hours of sleep time – a habit that is easier said than remembered. For this reason, some studies suggest keeping a sleep diary of your activity before bed, which helps to ensure you avoid the worst triggers.
Don’t… curl up with your favourite reading device
Although the act of reading may be soporific, changes in the way we consume literature could be sending your bodily rhythms into disarray. Many e-readers are backlit with blue frequencies of light – which can fool the brain into thinking that it’s still daytime. Perhaps for this reason, a recent study found that reading on these devices for a few hours before bed seems to suppress melatonin (the sleep hormone) and therefore makes it harder to doze off, compared to a traditional paperback. The same goes for tablets, MP3 players and smartphones.
Do… sleep in a new position (or learn the didgeridoo)
Many restless nights can be linked to sleep apnoea – a condition linked to snoring, in which the airways become constricted when you are unconscious. Often, the sleeper doesn’t even realise what has woken them up with a start – despite the fact that it can happen many times in one night. There are several causes, but some cases may be easily solved by switching from lying on your back, to sleeping on your front or side. Another, more left-field suggestion is to learn the didgeridoo; perhaps because it strengthens muscles in the respiratory system. A small study in the British Medical Journal found that learning the instrument gave some sufferers a smoother sleep with fewer interruptions. Certainly not a solution for everyone – particularly those with close neighbours trying to get some sleep themselves.
restful |
pihentető |
maddening |
őrjítő |
insomnia |
álmatlanság |
effortless |
erőlködés nélküli |
to regulate your mood |
szabályozni a hangulatod |
to sharpen your attention |
élesíteni a figyelmed |
to boost your memory |
felturbózni a memóriádat |
ailment |
betegség |
heart disease |
szívbetegség |
diabetes |
cukorbetegség |
to struggle |
küzdeni |
to avoid |
elkerülni |
it’s worth doing sg |
megéri csinálni valamit |
to flush out |
kiöblít, kimos |
to cut down on sg |
valamiből visszavenni (általában káros dologból) |
daytime nap |
napközbeni szunyókálás |
rigid |
szigorú, merev |
slumber |
alvás, szundítás |
it goes without saying |
mondani sem kell |
strenuous |
kimerítő, nehéz |
easier said than done |
könnyebb mondani, mint csinálni |
to trigger |
előidéz |
to ensure |
biztosítani |
to curl up |
összegömbölyödni |
soporific |
altató(szer) |
disarray |
összevisszaság, zűrzavar |
backlit |
hátulról megvilágítva |
to fool sg/sy into |
valakit becsapni, vkit/vmit valamilyen hamis hitben tartani |
to suppress |
elnyomni |
to doze off |
elaludni, elbóbiskolni |
to snore |
horkolni |
airways |
légutak |
to constrict |
összeszorít |
unconscious |
eszméletlen |
to strengthen muscles |
erősíteni az izmokat |
respiratory system |
légzőszerv |
sufferer |
szenvedő |
smoother sleep |
simább alvás |
interruption |
megzavarás |
didgeridoo |
észak ausztráliai őslakosok fúvós hangszere |