RECEPTEK ANGOLUL: Ham and Cheese Rissoles (portugál rizsfalatkák)

A nyomtatott 5 Perc Angol Magazin 2024. októberi számából hoztam most el nektek ezt a portugál receptet angolul, szószedettel és egy kis érdekességgel a cikk végén!

makes: about 24
preparation: 45 mins
resting: 30 mins
chilling: 30 mins
cooking: 1 hour

These delicious deep-fried pastries are a treat.

Ingredients for the pastry:

– 375ml fullcream milk
– 125ml chicken stock
– 30ml butter
– 500ml cake flour

for the filling:

– 15ml olive oil
– 1 onion, finely chopped
– 1 garlic clove, grated
– 5ml smoked paprika
pinch of nutmeg
– 150g ham, diced or finely chopped
– 250ml grated cheddar or Gouda cheese
– handful fresh parsley, chopped
– freshly ground pepper

to finish:

– flour, for dusting
– water, for brushing
– 2 eggs
– 30ml milk
– 250ml breadcrumbs
– oil, for deep-frying


  1. Keep a sheet of clingfilm and a 10cm-round cookie cutter at hand.
  2. Pastry: In a saucepan, heat the milk, stock and butter until the mixture starts to simmer.
  3. Add the flour and stir with a wooden spoon until a stiff dough begins to form. Remove from the heat and turn the dough out on a clean working surface.
  4. Allow to cool for a minute or two, then knead the dough for a few minutes until smooth and elastic. Shape into a ball, cover in clingfilm and allow to rest for 30 minutes.
  5. Filling Heat the oil in a pan and fry the onion until soft. Add the garlic and stirfry until fragrant. Remove from the pan and allow to cool completely.
  6. Combine the onion mixture with the paprika (if using), nutmeg, ham, cheese and parsley. Season with pepper.
  7. To finish: On a flour-strewn surface, roll out the dough to a thickness of about 5mm. Use the cookie cutter to cut out circles.
  8. Put a dough circle in the palm of your hand, spoon a little of the filling into the middle and lightly brush the edges with water. Fold the circle in half (to resemble a halfmoon) and pinch the edges to seal well. Repeat with the rest of the dough and filling.
  9. Whisk the eggs and milk together in a shallow bowl. Put the breadcrumbs in another shallow bowl. Working with one half-moon at a time, dip in the egg mixture, then carefully roll in the breadcrumbs to coat. Arrange in a single layer on a plate or plates and chill in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
  10. Heat enough oil for deep-frying. Fry the rissoles in batches over moderate heat until golden brown and crisp. Drain on paper towels and serve hot or at room temperature.

A rizses-húsos falatkák más népek konyhájában is jelen vannak, így például Szicília legikonikusabb street food-ja az arancino, amely szintén rántott, töltött rizsgolyó, amely több szempontból is érdekes (például örökös harc tárgya Palermo és Catania között). Olvasd el róla a cikket az 5 Perc Olasz oldalon (magyarul), és csatlakozz a követőinkhez is itt.



treat itt: finomság
fullcream milk magas zsírtartalmú tej
chicen stock csirkehúsleves alaplé
a pinch of egy csipet
nutmeg szerecsendió
diced felkockázott
finely chopped apróra vágott
grated reszelt
ground pepper őrölt bors
for dusting megszórni, meghinteni
for brushing megkenni
breadcrumbs zsemlemorzsa
clingfilm folpack háztartási fólia
to simmer lassan főni
to knead the dough gyúrni a tésztát
to stirfry
illatozásig sütni
flour-strewn surface liszttel megszórt felület
to resemble hasonlítani
to whisk felverni
batches adagok