Hogyan működik az emberi test ... angolul:)
Which part of the body can do the following things? Connect the verbs with the body parts.
1. run 2. beat 3. water 4. rumble 5. pop 6. blink 7. blush 8. wink 9. sniff 10.shrug
a) eyes (x3) b) stomach c) cheeks d) heart e) ears f) shoulders g) nose (2x)
1. g
2. d
3. a
4. b
5. e
6. a
7. c
8. a
9. g
10. f
If your nose runs, you probably have a cold.
Ha folyik az orrod, valószínű, hogy meg vagy fázva. |
My heart started to beat fast when I saw him. |
Hevesen kezdett verni a szívem, mikor megláttam. |
My eyes always water when I chop onions. |
Mindig könnyezem, ha hagymát vágok. |
I haven’t eaten all day. Can you hear my stomach rumble? |
Nem ettem egész nap. Hallod ahogy korog a gyomrom? |
I hate it when my ears pop during landing. |
Utálom, mikor pattog a fülem leszálláskor. (repülővel) |
People usually blush in an embarrassing situation. |
Az emberek általában elpirulnak egy zavarba ejtő helyzetben. |
Blink twice if it’s ok. |
Pislogj kétszer, ha rendben van. |
He winked at me. |
Rám kacsintott. |
In some countries sniffing your nose is not rude. |
Vannak kultúrák, ahol szipogni nem udvariatlanság. |
Teenagers always shrug their shoulders. |
A kamaszok folyton rángatják a vállukat. |
More expressions:
Connect the sentences with the missing words.
1. It happens when you are cold. 2. You have to drink a lot of water to make it stop. 3. When you are really tired, you do this. 4. After running 10 km, you 5. If you are allergic to something, you 6. An insect bite can 7. After a long day your head can 8. It is quite rude to _________ in front of other people
a) sweat b) sneeze c) hiccup d) shiver e) burp f) ache g) yawn h) itch
1. d
2. c
3. g
4. a
5. b
6. h
7. f
8. e
to sweat |
izzadni |
to sneeze |
tüsszenteni |
to hiccup |
csuklani |
to shiver |
vacogni, remegni |
to burp |
böfögni |
to ache |
fáj |
to yawn |
ásítani |
to itch |
viszketni |