Érdekes összeállítás egy kis feladattal hihetetlen Google Earth képekről.
10 Totally Unexpected Google Earth Birds-Eye Views
Here are 10 amazing Google Earth birds-eye views.
Thanks to Google Earth, people no longer need a plane or a satellite of their own to see how the world’s landscape looks from above.
Here are 10 of the most amazing views.
Number 10. World’s Largest Airplane Graveyard. If retired fighter planes are your kind of thing, you’ll be happy to know that you can easily check out what the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group is storing. The boneyard located just outside of
Number 9.
Number 8.
Number 7. Herd of Hippos. While a lot of mammals, including humans, prefer to do their basking and lying around in the sun, for hippos it’s all about the mud. This massive relaxation moment was spotted in
Number 6. The
Number 5. The Wrecked Costa Concordia. For some time the luxury liner stayed right where it had crashed, just off the coast of an Italian island. After years spent partially underwater the ship was finally floated to the top so it could be towed away.
Number 3. Great Big Target. As is often the case with strange symbols scrawled on the landscape, particularly in a barren area like the
Number 2. Batman Symbol. Batman fans, rejoice. The Batcave has been located. It’s on U.S. Air Force’s 44th Fighter Squadron’s Kadena Air Base in
Number 1. Water Buffalo On The Move. It’s not clear where they were going, but this massive group of great big animals was seen wandering across a game reserve in
Which birds-eye view do you think is most interesting?
birds-eye view |
madártávlat |
satellite |
műhold |
graveyard |
temető |
fighter plane |
harci repülőgép |
maintenance |
karbantartás, fenntartás |
boneyard |
roncstemető |
defunct |
nem működő |
potash, potassium |
kálium |
to extract |
kivonni, kinyerni |
evaporation |
párolgás |
landing strip |
leszállópálya |
to be in the know |
tájékozottnak lenni |
telltale sign |
árulkodó jel |
herd |
csorda |
to bask |
sütkérezni |
earbud |
fejhallgató |
coincidental |
véletlenszerű egybeesés |
luxury liner |
luxushajó |
to tow away |
elvontatni |
to rule out sg |
kizárni valamit |
target |
céltábla |
to scrawl |
firkálni, odafirkantani |
barren |
puszta |
scrubland |
bozótos |
game reserve |
vadrezervátum |