Újévi fogadalmak – középfokú nyelvvizsga feladat


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Our Top 15 New Year’s Resolutions

I hate New Year’s resolutions. I love the idea of them, but I often get discouraged when I don’t keep them all… “Go to the gym each day” is a great goal, but let’s be honest, as much as I try, I’m not going to keep it every single day of 2015.

So instead, I like to write some simple goals. Simple habits that can change your life when developed over time…

Here’s a list of New Year’s resolutions from different people on our team.

1. Learn a new skill

A new language, a new instrument, a new genre of music… learn how to cook, or paint, or play soccer, or write computer programming… Learn something new!

2. Write once a week

Whether it’s songwriting, blogging, poetry, short stories, journallingget in the habit of writing.  It takes time, and it takes work, but it develops your creativity.

3. Stop and celebrate the wins

Life goes fast and it is so easy to just keep moving on to the next thing. But take the time to stop and celebrate the wins… in your life, with your team. Celebrate the wins and celebrate the people that made it possible! 

4. Create more and push the boundaries

Imagine if Steve Jobs stopped after he created the iPod … what if Da Vinci stopped after he painted The Last Supper … we wouldn’t have the Mona Lisa, we wouldn’t have the iPhone, the iPad, the iWatch and whatever else Apple intends to create …

Let’s not stop creating, let’s keep pushing the boundaries of what’s possible!  

5. Listen more, talk less

Listen to new music.  In conversation, be the first to listen than to talk.

6. Make new friends

We’ve all heard the saying “show me your friends, and I’ll show you who you are”… if we want to have better lives this year, what better way than to make new friends! Maybe with people that challenge us, maybe with people that are very different from us… new friends will bring new experiences!

7. Read a book

An e-book. An audio book. A good old-fashioned paper book… It may change your life.

8. Plant a vegetable garden

Gardening requires patience, consistencyprinciples that are worth developing in our own lives!

9. Laugh every day

Laughter is the best medicine. With your family, at work, everywhere.

10. Volunteer

Be a volunteer – give your time to others. You might get back more than you give.

11. Put your phone down

It’s so easy to live your life with your head down, looking at your phone and letting it rule your life… Responding to messages, writing emails, checking your notifications on social media…

Look up. Put your phone in your pocket when you’re walking. Hide your phone in your bag when you’re having a coffee with someone. Leave your phone at the door when you get home. Try it.

12. Drink water and eat fruit

Take a refillable water bottle with you. Buy a small bowl for your desk at work or at home and keep it full of fresh fruit.

13. Look someone in the eye, ask them about their life, and listen

Not just “Hey, how are you?” as you quickly walk past each other… Ask questions that matter (look them in the eye when you do), and listen and care about what they have to share.

What’s new in your life?

Are you enjoying your job?

Tell me about your week…

How can I help you?

14. Encourage others

A phone call, a text message, an encouraging word in person can work miracles. Take the time to say what you appreciate about your friends!

15. Enjoy life

Every moment can be precious. Enjoy whatever you can.

Well, there you have it.  Pick one or two or seven commit to them and don’t stop when 2015 is over 🙂

Forrás: Hillsong, Australia


Fill in the gaps with words from the text.

He doesn’t get paid for this work. He’s ______________.

I won’t sell this picture. It’s very ______________to me.

Start exercising ever day. It can ______________in your life.

The waitress put ______________of soup on the table.

Last year she got ______________of walking her dog every morning.

Don’t get ______________. I know it’s difficult but I will help you.

They are really ______________people, they don’t use mobile phones.

Stop lying to me! Be ______________.

She didn’t send the present to me because she wanted to give it to me in ______________.

I really ______________your kindness. It ______________ a lot to me.


He doesn’t get paid for this work. He’s a volunteer.

I won’t sell this picture. It’s very precious to me.

Start exercising ever day. It can work miracles in your life.

The waitress put a bowl of soup on the table.

Last year she got in the habit of walking her dog every morning.

Don’t get discouraged. I know it’s difficult but I will help you.

They are really old-fashioned people, they don’t use mobile phones.

Stop lying to me! Be honest.

She didn’t send the present to me because she wanted to give it to me in person.

I really appreciate your kindness. It matters a lot to me.

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