OLVASOTT/HALLOTT ANGOL SZÖVEGÉRTÉS (B1/B2): A világ legnagyobb sajttortája

Olvasd el és hallgasd meg az angol szöveget a világ legnagyobb sajttortájáról, majd döntsd el, hogy az állítások igazak, vagy hamisak!

Olvasd el és hallgasd meg az angol szöveget a világ legnagyobb sajttortájáról, majd döntsd el, hogy az állítások igazak, vagy hamisak!

World’s largest cheesecake served at Cream Cheese Festival in N.Y.

An annual Cream Cheese Festival in Lowville, N.Y., hosted a successful Guinness World Record attempt featuring a 15,008-pound cheesecake.

The Kraft-Heinz plant in Lowville set the record for the world’s largest cheesecake at the festival in 2013, but was beaten by a team from Russia who made a 9,347-pound cheesecake in 2017.

Derrick Langdon, quality manager at Kraft-Heinz, said he and his team decided to smash the previous record at this year’s festival.

“If you’re going to beat it, might as well go big,” Langdon told WWNY-TV. “We decided we’re going to smash that record, make it almost twice as big as the last one. If they were going to beat it, they’d have to go really big. It was go big.”

A Guinness World Records adjudicator was present for the cheesecake’s unveiling and confirmed it weighed in at 15,008 pounds, more than enough to reclaim the title.

“This is just unbelievable,” Cream Cheese Festival Chair Jeremiah Papineau said. “To have a record in 2013, and to win the record again this year, it just shows how this community comes together, and we couldn’t be more proud.”

The cheesecake was sliced and served to festival attendees. The leftovers were donated to local food banks.

Döntsd el, hogy az alábbi állítások igazak, vagy hamisak! 

  1. The Cream Cheese Festival in Lowville, N.Y., is held every year.
  2. The Kraft-Heinz plant in Lowville set the record for the world’s largest cheesecake in 2017.
  3. Derrick Langdon and his team aimed to make a cheesecake almost twice as big as the previous record.
  4. A Guinness World Records adjudicator confirmed the cheesecake’s weight at 15,008 pounds.
  5. The festival attendees were not allowed to taste the cheesecake.
  6. The leftover cheesecake was thrown away after the festival.
  7. Jeremiah Papineau expressed pride in the community’s achievement.

Correct Answers:

  1. True – The text mentions it is an annual festival.
  2. False – The text states the Kraft-Heinz plant set the record in 2013, not 2017.
  3. True – The text quotes Langdon saying they aimed to make it almost twice as big.
  4. True – The text confirms a Guinness World Records adjudicator verified the weight.
  5. False – The text states the cheesecake was sliced and served to attendees.
  6. False – The text mentions the leftovers were donated to local food banks.
  7. True – The text quotes Papineau expressing pride in the community’s achievement.


annual éves
to host házihatdának lenni, vendégül látni
attempt kísérlet
to feature bemutatni
to be beaten by legyőzve lenni valaki által
to smash a record rekordot dönteni
previous előző
twice as big as kétszer akkora, mint
adjudicator versenybíró
to unveil leleplezni
to conform megfelelni
to weight valamennyi súlyt nyomni
more than engough to több mint elég
to reclaim the title visszaszerezni a címet
unbelievable hihetetlen
proud büszke
to slice szeletelni
leftover maradék
to be donated to adományként adva lenni