ANGOL SZÖVEGÉRTÉS: Jon Bon Jovi, az életmentő

Jon Bon Jovi, a híres rocksztár a napokban igazi hős lett: megmentette egy nő életét, aki öngyilkos akart lenni. Olvasott/hallott angol szövegértés videóval.


Jon Bon Jovi helps ‘distraught’ woman to step away from ledge of Nashville bridge

Rock legend Jon Bon Jovi has been captured on camera helping to persuade a “distraught” woman to step away from the ledge of a bridge in Nashville.

The US singer was reportedly filming a video for his band’s track “The People’s House” on the John Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge when the woman was spotted on the other side of the railings.

CCTV footage, shared by local police, shows the Bon Jovi frontman and woman walking down the middle of the bridge.

They then slowly approach the distressed woman before the singer leans on the railings and appears to begin talking to her.

The woman Bon Jovi was walking with is seen stroking the person’s back as they encourage her to come back to safety.

They are then seen helping the woman to climb back over the railings.

Bon Jovi then embraces her as they stand together for around a minute before walking back down the bridge together.

The Metropolitan Nashville Police Department shared the video on its YouTube channel and said the singer had helped a “distraught woman”.

“Bon Jovi helped persuade her to come off the ledge over the Cumberland River to safety.”

source: Sky News


to capture felvenni, rögzíteni
to persuade meggyőzni
distraught zaklatott
ledge of a bridge egy híd párkánya
CCTV footage
(closed-circuit television footage)
videokamerás megfigyelőrendszerrel rögzített felvétel
to approach megközelíteni
distressed szomorú, vigasztalan
to lean on the railings a korlátnak támaszkodni
to stroke megsimogatni
to encourage bátorítani
to embrace átölelni