TOP 10 – Tíz dolog, amit soha ne csinálj állásinterjún

10 dolog, amit sose tegyél állásinterjún! Olvasd el a cikket és nézd meg a videót is!

When under pressure in an interview, it’s easy to make mistakes. You might even be a perfect fit for the role, but one slip-up could cost you your dream job. However, if you know the common mistakes made in interviews, you can avoid making them yourself. Here are ten interview errors many candidates have wished they hadn’t made.

  1. Arriving Late or Too Early

Punctuality is, of course, essential when attending a job interview. Arriving on time not only demonstrates your reliability, but it is also courteous and ensures that you get adequate time to make a good impression. On the flip side, though, arriving too early can be equally damaging to your prospects because it can interrupt the interviewer’s schedule.

  1. Not Doing Your Homework

If you arrive unprepared for a job, it will seem like you don’t care if you get the position or not. So, research the company before an interview, and familiarize yourself with the role and what it entails. The questions you ask at an interview should fill in the gaps and not the questions that a serious contender for the position would already have answered for themselves.

  1. Dressing Inappropriately

Interviews should not be fashion parades and, arguably, appearance is not as vital as skills and qualifications. Nevertheless, interviewers are only human and make snap judgments based on what they see. The way you dress says a lot about your professionalism and desire to get the job. Consequently, it is best to play it safe when dressing for a job interview. Dress smartly and conservatively and in a manner appropriate for the role.

  1. Failing to Bring the Appropriate Materials

As a minimum, you should take a copy of your resume to a job interview. Depending on the role you are applying for, a portfolio of your work, written references, and copies of qualifications might also be helpful. Having all the documents and materials that an employer might ask for with you shows initiative on your part. It also enables you to answer all the interviewer’s questions, with backup, immediately.

  1. Displaying Lack of Enthusiasm

It will be hard for an interviewer to be enthusiastic about you if you fail to show any enthusiasm for the job. So, try to avoid sitting with slumped shoulders looking like you’d rather be somewhere else. Sit up, make eye contact, pay attention to what the interviewer says. And ask questions at the appropriate points but avoid interrupting.

  1. Talking Too Much About Yourself

You will, of course, be keen to sell your abilities to prospective employers. However, it is vital to remember that the interviewer is only interested in how you and your skills will benefit the company. Therefore, it is best to avoid providing information about yourself that is irrelevant to the role or spending too much time explaining why you want the job. Instead, focus on the benefits that you will bring to the company.

  1. Getting Too Personal

Coming across as a friendly and approachable person will improve your chances of landing the job. However, it is best to keep the proceedings professional and avoid getting too personal. Avoid asking personal questions and avoid being overly familiar with the interviewer. Instead, restrict your questions and comments to company and work-related topics.

  1. Not Expanding on Answers

If you get nervous, you might resort to giving simple yes or no answers to questions. If you do this, you will miss opportunities to sell your suitability for the role. It would not be helpful to monopolize the conversation with long, rambling answers. Still, it will reinforce your case if you give some background to your answers that emphasize your suitability for the position.

  1. Not Preparing Answers to the Standard Questions

Some standard questions are likely to be asked in a job interview. For example, “Tell me about yourself,” “What are your strengths?” and “what are your weaknesses?”. Questions like these are overused and may even be annoying. Still, preparing original and compelling responses to the standard interview questions provides an opportunity to outshine other applicants.

  1. Not Asking Any Questions

Interviewers invariably end interviews by offering you the opportunity to ask them questions. It would be a big mistake not to ask any because this is your final opportunity to impress. You might have queries arising from what has been said during the interview. If not, you could ask about company culture, why the interviewer likes working for the company, or what new initiatives are on the horizon for the business. The crucial thing is to demonstrate your enthusiasm for the position by wanting to know more.

To sum up, do your research, prepare for the interview, and try to come across as enthusiastic but not overly familiar. And don’t forget to wrap up the discussion by thanking the interviewer for their time. Also, one final mistake to avoid is not following up after an interview confirming your interest in the job and thanking the interviewer once again for their time.



under pressure nyomás alatt
a perfect fit for tökéletes választás valamire
slip-up baki
to avoid elkerülni valamit
candidate jelölt
punctuality pontosság
essential alapvető
reliability megbízhatóság
courteous udvarias
to ensure biztosítani
adequate megfelelő
to make a good impression jó benyomást kelteni
on the flip side másfelől
to interrupt félbeszakítani
unprepared felkészületlenül
to familiarize oneself with megismerkedni, megtudni
to entail maga után von
contender vetélytárs
arguably vitathatóan
appearance megjelenés
skills készségek
qualifications képesítések
nevertheless mindazonáltal
snap judgements elhamarkodott ítéletek
to desire vágyni
consequently következésképpen
smartly elegánsan
in a … manner … módon
appropriate megfelelő
resume szakmai életrajz
to depend on függni valamitől
to apply for jelentkezni valamire
to enable lehetővé tenni
enthusiastic lelkes
enthusiasm lelkesedés
slumped shoulders beesett vállak
to be keen to lelkesnek lenni valamit csinálni
instead ehelyett
benefit előny, jótékony hatás
approachable megközelíthető
overly familiar túlságosan közvetlen
to restrict korlátozni
work-related topics munkával kapcsolatos témák
suitability alkalmasság
rambling elkalandozó
to reinforce megerősíteni
strengths erősségek
weaknesses gyengeségek
overused túlzásba vitt
to outshine túlszárnyalni
invariably változatlanul
to impress lenyűgözni
arising queries felmerülő kérdések
crucial döntő fontosságú
to sum up összegezni