Social networks are websites and apps that allow users and organizations to connect, communicate, share information and form relationships. Social media has transformed the way we communicate, learn, and interact with the world, providing numerous benefits that enhance personal and professional lives. It has its positive sides, but as everything, it has its negative sides as well. To put it in a different way there are two sides to the coin. One of the greatest benefits of social media sites is that it enables people to stay connected with friends, family, and colleagues regardless of geographical barriers and distances. It helps real-time communication, making it easier to share updates, photos, and life events, providing platforms for sharing news and information quickly and efficiently. It is also an endless source of information. Users can stay informed about global events, local news, and their topics of interest. Social media site algorithms are excellent at giving you just the right kind of information based on your Internet using habits and interactions. They monitor you closely and recommend you the appropriate events, videos or books. Social media sites provide a source of enjoyment and relaxation for their users.
However, the other side of the coin is that using social media sites is a very addictive activity. There is always something to see, read or click on and most people feel anxious if they don’t check or scroll their social media every couple of minutes. FOMO, or ‘fear of missing out’ is the expression for that feeling. People are usually not even aware of the screen time they spend on social media a day. Excessive screen time and neglect of real-life relationships and responsibilities are very harmful. The constant need for likes, comments, and shares can become a real dependence on social media. Social media can be a major distraction, leading to procrastination and decreased productivity at work or school. Screen time before bed can lead to poor sleep quality.
Social media sites have changed over time. The primary social media platform used to be Facebook for most people. Nowadays Facebook is considered to be outdated and old-fashioned for the younger generation. They tend to use Instagram instead and Generation Z or GenZ uses mostly TikTok. TikTok is known for its short-form videos ranging from 15 seconds to 3 minutes in length. It has gained immense popularity worldwide, particularly among younger audiences. Why it is so attractive for youngsters is a puzzle for the older generations though.
Social media sites have a huge educational impact. YouTube is an endless source of information and tutorials on practically everything that exists and even TikTok showcases a wide range of educational videos.
Woman: |
Hey Tim, I’ve been thinking a lot about my social media habits lately. Do you think it’s worth the time we spend using it? |
Man: |
That’s a good question, Susan. It really depends on how you use it. What are your concerns? |
Woman: |
Well, on the one hand, I love staying connected with friends and keeping up with the news. But on the other hand, I sometimes feel overwhelmed and distracted by it. And the amount of time I spend scrolling also concerns me. |
Man: |
I get that. Social media can be great for staying informed and connected if you use it wisely and don’t waste your time on useless things. I use it to keep in touch with family and friends who live far away, and I’ve joined some awesome communities that share my interests. |
Woman: |
That sounds nice. I enjoy seeing what everyone is up to and finding new content. But I also worry about privacy and the impact on my mental health. Sometimes, I can’t help but compare myself to others. |
Man: |
That’s a common issue. It’s easy to fall into the comparison trap because people usually post only the highlights of their lives. It can be misleading and make us feel inadequate. |
Woman: |
Exactly. And there’s so much negativity and misinformation out there. It can be hard to know what to trust and what is fake news. |
Man: |
True. I think it’s important to follow reliable sources and fact-check information. As for the negativity, I’ve found it helpful to check my feed and unfollow accounts and people that don’t add value or positivity to my life. |
Woman: |
That makes sense. But what about the time it takes up? I sometimes feel like I’m wasting hours just scrolling through my Instagram and Facebook feeds. |
Man: |
Setting boundaries can help with that. I limit my social media use to certain times of the day and try to be mindful of how much time I spend online. There are even apps that can help track and manage your social media usage. |
Woman: |
Those are good tips. I guess it’s about finding a balance in how we use it then. |
Man: |
Exactly. Social media isn’t inherently good or bad. It’s a tool, and it’s up to us to use it in a way that benefits us. If you find that it overwhelms you, taking a break or limiting your use can be really helpful. |
Woman: |
I like that perspective. Maybe I’ll try setting some limits and see how it goes. Thanks for the advice, Tim. |
Man: |
Anytime, Susan. Remember, it’s all about what works best for you. If you ever need to talk about it more, I’m here. |
Woman: |
Thanks, Tim. I appreciate it. |
social media habits – közösségi média felhasználási szokások
Do you think it’s worth the time we spend using it? – Szerinted megéri a használatára fordított idő?
It really depends on how you use it – Attól függ, hogy hogyan használod.
What are your concerns? – Mi miatt aggódsz?
if you use it wisely – ha bölcsen/okosan használod
to keep in touch with family and friends who live far away – kapcsolatot tartani a családdal és a távol élő barátokkal
I can’t help but compare myself to others. – Önkéntelenül is másokhoz hasonlítom magam
That’s a common issue. – Ez elterjedt probléma.
It’s easy to fall into the comparison trap. – Könnyű beleesni az összehasonlítgatás csapdájába.
It can be hard to know what to trust and what is fake news. – Nehéz tudni, hogy miben lehet bízni, és mi az álhír.
Setting boundaries can help. – Határok felállítása segíteni tud.
Social media isn’t inherently good or bad. – A közösségi media nem alapból jó vagy rossz.
It’s a tool, and it’s up to us to use it in a way that benefits us. – Ez egy eszköz, és rajtunk áll, hogy úgy használjuk, hogy a hasznunkra váljon.
taking a break or limiting your use can be really helpful. – egy kis szüneteltetés vagy a használat korlátozása segíthet
I’ll see how it goes. – Meglátom, hogy hogy fog menni.
on the one hand – egyrészről
to stay connected – kapcsolatban maradni
on the other hand – másrészről
to feel overwhelmed – lefárasztja, túl sok neki
to be distracted – zavarja, elvonja a figyelmét
to scroll – görgetni, pörgetni
impact – hatás
mental health – mentális egészség
misleading – félrevezető
inadequate – alkalmatlan
to fact-check – ellenőrizni a valóságtartalmát valaminek
value – érték
to limit – korlátozni
mindful – tudatosan odafigyelő
balance – egyensúly
to transform | átalakítani |
numerous | számos |
benefit | előny |
to enhance | elősegíteni, megnövelni |
there are two sides to the coin | az éremnek két oldala van |
to enable | lehetővé tesz neki valamit |
regardless of | valami ellenére |
geographical barriers | földrajzi korlát/akadály |
efficiently | hatékonyan |
endless source | végtelen/kimeríthetetlen forrás |
global events | nemzetközi történések |
to monitor | figyelemmel kísérni, követni |
the other side of the coin | az érem másik oldala |
addictive | függést okozó |
to scroll | pörgetni |
FOMO (fear of missing out) | félelem a valamiből való kimaradástól |
to be aware of sg | tudatában lenni valaminek |
screen time | képernyő előtt töltött idő |
excessive | mértéktelen, túlzott |
neglect | elhanyagolás |
responsibility | felelősség, dolga valakinek |
dependence | függőség, függés |
distraction | zavaró tényező |
procrastination | halogatás |
decreased | lecsökkent |
productivity | hatékonyság, produktivitás |
outdated | elavult |
Generation Z | Z generáció |
to gain popularity | népszerűséget szerezni |
immense | kiterjedt, hatalmas |
it is a puzzle for sy | rejtélyes/rejtély valakinek |
impact | hatás |
tutorial | útmutató/oktató videó |
to showcase | kínálni, bemutatni |