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Supersized Jack Russell Slims Down To Win Pet Fat Fighters Competition
A formerly roly-polyrescue dog, Jack Russell Terrier Ruby, has been named the UK’s pet slimming champion of 2013 after losing one third of herbodyweight. The now perfectly-formed pooch was one of 16 obese pets chosen to embark on the six month diet and fitness regime run by leading vet charity, PDSA. In total, the pets have lost a combined weight of 57kg (8 stone 9 pounds) – roughly equivalent to 900 mince pies, 125 Christmas puddings or 14 turkeys.
When PDSA Pet Fit Club began in May, Ruby, from Sunderland, tipped the scales at 9.1kg (1stone 6lbs), making her morbidly obese and more than 50% overweight. Six months on she is now a far healthier 6.2kg and just a whisker away from her ideal weight of 6kg. Ruby’s waistline started to creep up after she was adopted by owners Angela Martin and Steve Mackem four years ago.
Underweight and unloved, she had been found roaming the streets and was taken into a local animal shelter. Ruby was welcomed in to the Martin’s home and lavished attention – and treats – on her, admitting they ‘spoilt her rotten’.Before the competition, Ruby would spend most of the day asleep and any thought of ‘walkies’ was a big effort, which often left her out of breath.
Angela said: “When Ruby first came to us, we all felt really sorry for her as she’d had such a tough start to life. So to compensate, we used to give her a little treat here and there. The trouble was, the whole family was giving her ‘a little treat’ and over time, she started to get really big.”
PDSA Senior Veterinary Surgeon, Elaine Pendlebury, added: “This is a fantastic slimming success story. Many people fall into the trap of overindulging their pet with food as a way of expressing their love.”
Ruby’s remarkable achievement saw her beat off heavyweight competition from other overweight pets across the UK. Other top pet slimmers this year are Edinburgh pooch TJ, who started the competition weighing in at five stone 5lbs (34kg) who lost almost a quarter (23%) of her bodyweight during the six months of the PDSA Pet Fit Club. She is now a much slimmer 4st 2lb (26kg) after shedding almost 18 lbs (8kg). Oscar, a seven-year-old Spaniel/Collie cross from Sunderland who weighed in at five stone 2lbs (33kg) before Pet Fit Club, and has gone on to over a stone (6.6kg).
formerly – korábbi, egykori
roly-poly – kis gömböc
rescue dog – mentőkutya
bodyweight – testsúly
pooch – kutya, eb
obese – túlsúlyos
to embark – nekikezdeni, nekifogni
charity – jótékonyság(i szervezet)
roughly – nagyjából
equivalent to – valamivel egyenlő
mince pie – gyümölcskosár
to tip the scales at – a súlya eléri a …-t
morbidly obese – kórosan elhízott
overweight – túlsúlyos
a whisker away from – egy hajszálnyira valamitől
to creep up – felcsúszni
to roam – kalandozni, csatangolni
shelter – menedék
to lavish – pazarolni, túlzóan adni
to spoil sb rotten – halálra kényeztetni valakit
effort – erőfeszítés
to overindulge – túlkényeztetni
remarkable achievement – figyelemre méltó eredmény
to beat off – elhárítani
to shed – lehullatni, levedleni