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US House votes to extend ban on plastic guns

The US House of Representatives has approved a 10-year extension of a ban on plastic guns invisible to metal detectors. The bill is expected to pass the Senate next week before it expires, though some Democrats hope to expand it. They want the 25-year-old law to require a gun’s firing mechanism to contain at least one detectable but undetectable metal piece. The law bans the manufacture, possession and sale of firearms that can’t be detected by metal detectors and requires handguns be manufactured in the shape of a gun so they can be screened on X-ray machines.

The ban has gained new relevance with the spread of at-home 3D printing. The National Rifle Association (NRA), America’s largest and most powerful gun lobby group, issued a statement before the House voteopposing any expansion of the law. The House, which is controlled by the conservative Republican Party, neverthelessapproved the Undetectable Firearms Act’s extension for another decade by a voice vote.

Democrat Charles Schumer, who has championed expanded gun control laws, has pushed for an amendment to the law that would require a metal part. But analysts say the NRA’s lobbying power leaves it unlikely the law will be broadened before next year’s mid-term election.

source: BBC

House of Representatives- képviselőház
Extension- kiterjesztés, nyújtás
to ban- betiltani
metal detector- fémdetektor
Senate- felsőház, szenátus
to expire- elévül, lejár
to expand- kibővíteni
to contain- tartalmazni
undetectable- nem leszerelhető
manufacture- gyártás
X-ray- röntgen
Relevance- relevancia, időszerűség
gun lobby- fegyverlobbi
statement- nyilatkozat
to vote- szavazni
to oppose- ellenezni
nevertheless- ennek ellenére
to approve- jóváhagyni
decade- évtized
gun control laws- fegyverellenőrzési törvények
amendment- módosítás, javítás
unlikely- valószínűtlen
to broaden- kiszélesíteni
election- választás

Match the words with their opposites.

1. unlikely
a) to narrow down
2. to broaden
b) to support
3. to expand
c) to legalise
4. to ban
d) probable
5. to oppose
e) to reduce


answer key: 1-d, 2-a, 3-e, 4-c, 5-b

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