SZÓBELI: Your wardrobe

Ebben a hónapban a ruhásszekrényt járjuk körbe – szóbeli témakör formájában.

A wardrobe plays an important role in everybody’s life because you have to store your clothes somewhere. Some people have a lot of space for clothes storage but most of us have to do with limited space. Those lucky enough to live in a big flat or house may have a walk-in wardrobe or a fitted wardrobe. Smaller living spaces can usually only accommodate free-standing wardrobes. Whether you have ample space or very limited room for clothes it’s important to make the most of the space you have with good storage solutions. Effective clothes storage solutions can help maximize space, keep your clothes organized, and make it easier to find what you need. Use baskets or bins on shelves to group similar items and keep things tidy. Transparent containers can help you easily see the contents and it’s very practical if the containers are stackable.

Identical thin coat hangers create more space and maintain a neat appearance. Hangers with clips for trousers and skirts, a tie rack for belts and scarves, and a shoe rack or clear boxes for shoes are also good storage options. If you keep clothes in drawers and want to avoid creasing roll the items instead of folding them. Vacuum-pack out-of-season clothes to save storage space.

As people are different so are wardrobes. Some people are orderly and neat by nature while others are untidy and are unable to keep order in their wardrobe. Neat people have a clothes rail arranged by colour, season or occasion and keep their clothes items folded in perfect piles. Those who are untidy can be surrounded by piles of creased and jumbled clothes.

One thing is true for most of us: we have too many clothes and often don’t even know what we have in our wardrobe. There are clothing items that haven’t seen the light of day for years and most probably we won’t ever use them again. A big sort-out can come in handy if you are short of space and would like to feel better in your living space. You can donate or sell wearable clothes or throw out items that are too worn or beyond repair. Following the “one-year rule” can help – if you haven’t worn a clothing item for a year maybe it’s time you got rid of it. Sorting out your wardrobe can take up a lot of time but you don’t need to do it in one go. Do one small part of it at a time and then go back to the task again when you can find the time and it’s convenient for you. Every little step you take to turn chaos into order will be very satisfying you will see!  

Language Point: Wardrobe refers to a piece of furniture but it also means all the clothes that you own or wear. In Hungarian it’s szekrény, gardrób vagy ruhatár.


Ben: Hi Alicia, thanks for coming over. My wardrobe is a complete mess, and I need your help organizing it.
Alicia: You are welcome, Ben. No problem! I love organizing. Where do we start?
Ben: Well, it’s a bit overwhelming. I have clothes everywhere—on the floor, on the shelves, you name it.
Alicia: No worries! Let’s take it one step at a time. How about we start by sorting your clothes into categories?
Ben: Categories? Like what?
Alicia: Let’s separate your clothes into groups like tops, bottoms, pullovers and so on. It’ll make it easier to see what you have and find things when you need them.
Ben: Got it. So, should we take everything out first?
Alicia: Exactly. Let’s clear it all out, and then we can decide what to keep, donate, or toss.
Ben: I didn’t realize I had so many clothes stuffed in here.
Alicia: Happens to the best of us. Now, let’s go through each item. Have you worn these in the past year?
Ben: Hmm, some of these, yes. Others, not so much.
Alicia: Okay, let’s create three piles: keep, donate, and toss. Be ruthless, Ben!
Ben: I love this shirt, but I never wear it.
Alicia: Maybe it’s time to let it go. If you haven’t worn it in a year, chances are you won’t miss it.
Ben: True. Okay, donate pile it is.
Alicia: Great job, Ben! Now, let’s tackle the keep pile. How about we fold the clothes KonMari style?
Ben: KonMari style?
Alicia: Yes, fold them so they stand upright. It’ll save space and make it easier to see everything.
Ben: This looks so much neater already. What about the shoes and accessories?
Alicia: We can use those bins for shoes and get some dividers for accessories. And don’t forget about that empty drawer – perfect for belts and scarves.
Ben: Wow, I can’t believe the transformation. Thanks, Alicia! I feel like I have a whole new wardrobe.
Alicia: Good feeling, isn’t it? Would you have thought that organising could be so satisfying?


My wardrobe is a complete mess.Totális rendetlenség van a szekrényemben.
You are welcome.Szívesen!
Let’s take it one step at a time.  – Haladjunk fokozatosan/lépésenként!
sorting your clothes into categories – különböző kategóriák szerint elrendezni a ruhákat
I didn’t realize I had so many clothes stuffed in here. – Nem is voltam tudatában annak, hogy ilyen sok ruhám van itt felhalmozva.
Happens to the best of us.  – Megeshet ez bármelyikünkkel.
Let’s go through each item.  – Nézzünk meg egyesével mindent!
Have you worn these in the past year? – Voltak ezek rajtad ez az elmúlt egy évben?
Be ruthless! – Legyél könyörtelen!
Maybe it’s time to let it go.  – Lehet, hogy itt az ideje, hogy elengedd/megszabadulj tőle.
Chances are you won’t miss it. – Jó eséllyel nem is fog hiányozni.
It’ll save space. – Helyet fog spórolni.
Wow, I can’t believe the transformation.  – El sem hiszem, mekkora a változás!
Good feeling, isn’t it?  – Jó érzés, ugye?
Would you have thought that organising could be so satisfying? Gondoltad volna, hogy a rendrakás ennyire jó érzés tud lenni?


overwhelming –lenyomasztó
tops – felső
bottoms – alsók
to clear out – kiüríteni
to keep – megtartani
to donate – elajándékozni, adományként továbbadni
to toss – kidobni
pile – kupac
to tackle – foglalkozni valamivel
to fold – hajtogatni, összehajtani
upright – függőlegesen
divider – elválasztó
drawer – fiók
belt – öv
scarf – sál 


space hely
clothes storage ruhatárolás
walk-in wardrobe gardróbszoba
fitted wardrobe beépített szekrény
to accommodate valami elhelyezésére alkalmas
free-standing wardrobe különálló – nem beépített- szekrény
ample bőséges
room hely
storage solution tárolási megoldás
effective hatékony
bin tároló, doboz
transparent átlátszó
content tartalom
stackable egymásra rakható
identical egyforma
thin vékony
coat hanger vállfa
clip csipesz
tie rack nyakkendőtartó
drawer fiók
creasing gyűrődés
to roll feltekerni
to fold hajtogatni, összehajtani
orderly rendszerető, rendes
by nature természetéből adódóan
pile kupac
jumbled összevissza
sort-out átrendezés, selejtezés
can come in handy jól jöhet
to be short of space kevés hellyel rendelkezni
to donate elajándékozni, adományként odaadni
wearable még hordható
worn lehasznált, lehordott
beyond repair már nem javítható
to get rid of sg megszabadulni valamitől
in one go egyszerre