Jimmy Fallon, Jennifer Lopez és a szűk naci:)

Jimmy Fallon, Jennifer Lopez és a szűk naci:) 

Jimmy Fallon and Jennifer Lopez

Jimmy – "Everybody’s talkin’ bout my tight pants, I got my tight pants, I got my tight pants on. Everybody’s lookin’ at my tight pants, I got my tight pants, I got my tight pants on. I’m the only guy in town wearing tight pants, I got my tight pants, I got my tight pants on. I’m the only guy wearing tight pants, I got my tight pants, I got my tight pants on."

JLo – "Everyone in town loves my tight pants, I got my tight pants, I got my tight pants on. People wouldn’t lie about my tight pants, I got my tight pants, I got my tight pants on. I can swing my arms, I can shake my hips. I can dance down the block knowing I’m the only chick that’s wearing tight pants and I’m the only one."

Jimmy – "Hey, hey slow down there young lady friend. You say people are talkin’ about your tight pants down at the local Piggly Wiggly? Well, I find that hard to believe. ‘Cause ever since I moved to this town everyone I know is talkin’ about my tight pants."

JLo – "Well, that’s funny because yesterday I ran into Mayor Barleycorn and he presented me with a plaque that declares my pants the tightest in all the land!"

Jimmy – “Well I just received an urgent telegram from Governor Grimble claiming today is “Tight Pants Day” in honour of my tight pants.

JLo – "Listen up you little bitch… You’d better hide your wife, you’d better hide your kids ‘cause I will cut you. I will cut your father, I will cut your mother, I will scratch you, don’t make me take off my heels.”

Jimmy – “Take it easy Georgia Wheezy.”

JLo – “Look, what I’m trying to say is. Get lost, apple sauce. I’m the only one who wears tight pants in this town. You feel me? Don’t rattle the cage! Hisssssss! We coolo papi cholo?”

Jimmy – “I got your hot Sriracha. I guess I’ll find another new town."

JLo – "Everybody’s talkin’ bout my tight pants, I got my tight pants, I got my tight pants on.”

pants nadrág (amerikai angol), brit angolban alsónadrág
hips – csípő
block – tömbház
Piggly Wiggly – amerikai szupermarket-lánc
plaque – emléktábla
urgent – sürgős
telegram – távirat
in honour of – valaminek a tiszteletére
to scratch – karmolni
heels – magassarkú
apple sauce – slang for nonsense – képtelenség, marhaság
to rattle the cage – rázni a ketrecrácsot
coolo – cool
cholo – mexikói gengszter
Sriracha – really hot sauce from Thailand, szleng: farok


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