5 perc Angol online magazin
2006.december 19.
Szia !
A hét a karácsonyi készül?dés jegyében telik el szerintem mindenhol, így úgy gondoltam, hogy vegyünk át még néhány karácsonyi érdekességet ebben a pár napban. Ma olvashatsz egy rövid kis ismertet?t a híres angol karácsonyi édesség, a Christmas Pudding történetér?l, és a receptet is megtalálod a leckében.
Ha esetleg meg is sütnéd a sütit, akkor szívesen vállalkoznék a kóstoló szerepére, még sosem ettem ilyet! : – )
Ha pedig inkább a videók segítségével tanulnál, akkor nézd meg ?ket itt:
Az utolsó videó már le is tölthet?, hogy még jobban tudd gyakorolni az angolt!
Üdv, Nóri
ui.: Ha tetszett a videó akkor küld tovább barátaidnak is:)
Christmas pudding is a brown pudding with raisins, nuts and cherries. It is similar to fruitcake, except that pudding is steamed and fruitcake is baked. Christmas pudding is served with custard or brandy butter. Brandy is often poured over the pudding, which is then set a light as it is carried to the table. The lights are turned off so people can see the flames.
Traditionally silver coins were hidden in it. A silver coin brought good fortune to whomever was lucky enough to find it when the pudding was cut.
History of the Christmas Pudding
The Christmas pudding known today began life as Christmas porridge called Frumenty, a dish made of wheat or corn boiled up in milk. As time went on, other ingredients, such as dried plums or prunes, eggs, and lumps of meat were added to make it more interesting. When cooked, it was poured into a dish. This pudding was called Plum Pudding. The name ‘Plum Pudding’ continued to be used even when people used raisins, currants, and sultanas instead of prunes.
The traditional time for making a Christmas pudding is on ‘Stir Up Sunday ‘ at the beginning of advent. A proper Christmas pudding is always stirred from East to West in honour of the three Wise Men and traditionally made with 13 ingredients to represent Christ and His Disciples. Every member of the family must give the pudding a stir and make a secret wish.
Christmas Pudding Recipe
Ingredients 225g/8oz golden caster sugar 225g/8oz vegetarian suet 340g/12oz sultanas 340g/12oz raisins 225g/8oz currants 120g/4oz chopped candied peel 120g/4oz plain flour 120g/4oz fresh white breadcrumbs 60g/2oz flaked almonds Zest of 1 lemon 5 eggs, beaten 1level tsp ground cinnamon 1level tsp mixed spice 1 level tsp freshly grated nutmeg Pinch of salt 150ml/5fl oz brandy or rum
Mix together all the dry ingredients. Stir in the eggs and brandy and mix through well. Turn the mix into 4x1pint or 2×2 pint lightly-greased pudding basins. Put a circle of baking parchment and foil over the top of each basin and tie securely with string. Make a string handle from one side of the basin to the other so it’s easier to pick the basin out of the pan after cooking. Put the basins in a large steamer of boiling water and cover with a lid. Boil for 5-6 hours, topping the boiling water up from time to time if necessary. If you don’t have a steamer, put the basins in a large pan on inverted saucers on the base. Pour in boiling water to come a third of the way up the sides of the pudding bowls. Cover and steam as before. Cool. Change the baking parchment and foil covers for fresh ones and tie up as before. Store in a cool cupboard until Christmas Day. To serve the pudding on Christmas Day, steam for 2 hours and serve with brandy butter, rum sauce, cream or home-made custard.
as time went on
ahogy telt múlt az id?
candid peel
kandírozott narancshéj
caster sugar
extrafinom cukor (nagyon finomszem? porcukor)
étel, edény
dried plum
szárított szilva, mazsola
flaked almonds
mandula pehely
fresh white breadcrumbs
friss zsemlemorzsa (fehér)
freshly grated nutmeg
frissen reszelt szerecsendió
ground cinnamon
?rölt fahéj
lump of sth
darab, cafat, darabka
mixed spice
vegyes f?szerek
pergament, süt?papír
pinch of salt
csipet só
plain flour
aszalt szilva
pudding basin
pudding forma
silver coin
ezüst pénzérme
ez is egy mazsolaféle
to boil up
felforral, felf?z
to bring good fortune
szerencsét hoz
to foil over
to hide, hid, hidden
to make a secret wish
titkon kívánni valamit
to pour over
to set sth a light
to stir
kever, kavar
to top up the boiling water
újratöletni a f?z? vizet
zest of a lemon
Kattints ide, és rendeld meg Szalai Nóra "5 perc Angol Nyelvtan: Igeid?k" cím? könyvét! |
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|Amennyiben a késõbbiekben nem kívánsz tõlünk további információt kapni, akkor csak egyszerûen kattints az alábbi hivatkozásra, és ezzel kijelentkezhetsz a listánkról. Kérlek, vegyetek le a listátokról!
2006 | 5perc Csoport Kft. – Minden jog fenntartva |