Remélem kellemesen telt a hétvégéd. Nekünk pénteken nagyon jó napunk volt, Artúrt először láthattuk „komoly” vízilabdásként, meg is mutatom:
Nagyon ügyesek voltak, és nagyon komolyan játszottak : ) Szombaton aztán Artúr főzte nekünk a vacsorát (imád a konyhában sürögni-forogni, most lecsót készített – persze némi segítséggel), és meg is jegyezte, hogy amikor nagy lesz, vízlabdás szakács szeretne lenni!
A héten a szabadidő témával fogunk foglalkozni – érettségin és szóbeli vizsgákon is előfordulhat – így ma egy olvasmánnyal kezdünk, amelyhez nem csak szószedet, hanem hanganyag is tartozik, ráadásul két verzióban – brit és amerikai – is meghallgathatod.
Jó tanulást!
What do Hungarians do in their free time?
Traditionally, Hungarians used to spend Sundays with the extended family gathering at grandma’s house for a big lunch. Hiking was also a popular weekend activity in good weather. Today we have a much larger choice of indoor and outdoor activities than a few decades ago and habits have changed.
Statistics show that compared to the European average Hungarians spend less time socializing and prefer to spend their free time at home listening to music, reading, gardening or playing computer games. The younger generations are more active: they spend more time exercising, travelling and eating out in general. Many people complain about having less leisure time than earlier because they need to work long hours.
Television and Radio
On average, TV viewers spend over 5 hours a day watching television in Hungary, which is even higher in the case of elderly people who usually have less money and energy to go out. Listening to the radio is also a popular leisure activity, with about 70% of the population tuning in every day.
Spending time with friends is a favourite pastime of people aged 15-44, but Hungarians don’t entertain friends and family at their homes as often as other Europeans. They also eat out less often, especially compared to the Italians and the Spanish. Cooking is also a popular hobby in Hungary.
hanganyagok meghallgatása: ITT
This hobby is more typical of the older generation and women, while men more do some DIY. Almost every third person in Hungary likes gardening and the average yearly amount spent on plants is quite high compared to salaries. Many Hungarians not only grow flowers but also vegetables and have a couple of fruit trees in their gardens.
Activities outside the home
The capital and bigger cities offer many opportunities. Young people go to the cinema, pubs and clubs, and concerts. Comedies, action movies and horror movies are the most popular. The number of people who enjoy going to the theatre or the museum is close to the European average. Travelling is also a favourite pastime, many people go on day-trips at the weekend and in the summer the Balaton is the most important destination.
Sports and Physical Recreation
Unfortunately, many people cannot afford to do sports in Hungary or simply have no time for it because of their job. The younger generations are much better at keeping in shape: running, cycling and swimming are popular among men, with football leading among the team sports. Young women usually prefer to do aerobics or something similar to have a good figure.
traditionally – hagyományok szerint
extended family – széles család(i kör)
family gathering – családi összejövetel
hiking – túrázás, kirándulás
choice – válaszék
decade – évtized
habit – szokás
statistics – statisztika
compared to – valamivel összehasonlítva
average – átlag
socializing – tásasági életet élni
to prefer to – valamit jobban szeretni
in general – általában általánosságban
to complain about – valamiről panaszkodni
on average – átlagosan
TV viewer – tévénéző
in the case of – valaminek az esetében
elderly – idős
to tune in – adást venni, rádiót hallgatni
pastime – időtöltés
to entertain – szórakoztatni
salary – fizetés
opportunity – lehetőség
can’t afford to do something – nem engedheti meg magának
to keep in shape – formában lenni
to have a good figure – jó alakja van valakinek