Help! That seagull looks really sad

Elképeszt? segélyhívást kapott az állatokkal szembeni kegyetlenségeket megel?zni kívánó szervezet.

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) is the world’s oldest and largest animal welfare organisation, a perfect organisation for a nation famed for its love of animals. The RSPCA was stunned when a member of the public called their emergency line to say a seagull was looking sad because it was sitting in the rain.

Another caller asked the animal welfare organisation to help get a spider out of her sink, while a man wanted them to remove ladybirds climbing up a wall.

The calls were among more than a million fielded by the RSPCA so far in 2009 – one every 29 seconds. A spokesman said: “Although we have a little laugh at these stories, the RSPCA would like to remind everyone that the 24-hour advice line is for reporting serious cases or emergencies concerning animal welfare.”

source: Daily Mail


prevention – megel?zés
cruelty     – kegyetlenség
welfare organisation – segélyszervezet
to be stunned – megdöbbenni
sink – mosogató
ladybird – katicabogár
to remind sy – emlékeztetni valakit

Did you know?

Seagulls are resourceful and highly intelligent birds, demonstrating complex methods of communication and a highly-developed social structure.

Gulls are primarily scavengers, often gathering by the thousands at garbage dumps and fish docks, or ships for their garbage.

They can live anywhere from 5-15 years. Some have been known to live 25 years!

They can infect you if they bite or scratch you!

Both female and male seagulls will sit on the eggs. The female will sit for around 3-4 hours and then switch with the male who will also sit for the same length of time.