MAGYARORSZÁGRÓL ANGOLUL – Sopron: Austria’s Labyrinthine Neighbour

Sokszor adódhat olyan szituáció, amikor Magyarországról, városairól, látnivalókról angolul kell beszélned. Ebben a cikkben Sopronról lesz szó.
Hallgasd is meg a szöveget! 

Sopron is a small city in the northwestern corner of Hungary near the border with Austria that beautifully merges history, culture and nature. Many people refer to it as “The Most Faithful City” because its inhabitants voted to remain part of Hungary after World War One. This makes Sopron a destination where tourists can experience time travel while enjoying calmness.

A Stroll through Historical Past

Sopron has been able to preserve its medieval architecture that defines its historical past. The Old Town contains numerous houses built in Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque styles many centuries ago and which stand intact to this day. One of them is Tűztorony , the Firewatch Tower, which is arguably the most popular symbol of Sopron. It was first constructed in 13th century, offering panoramic views of town and surrounding areas from observation deck on top of it. You will not be wrong climbing up these 200 steps as the views are awe-inspiring.

Another important part of history can be seen at Storno House which is actually an outstanding baroque building housing Sopron Museum’s collections . This museum holds exhibitions related to the city’s past displaying objects from different periods including Scarbantia era when Sopron used to be called so during the Roman age. Additionally, Kecske-templom or Goat Church is a great example of religious architecture found here in town bearing significance for religious practices within this area.This Gothic structure was originally built during 13th century with nice sharp steeple outside and refined interior that have seen several coronation and wedding ceremonies throughout history.

Sopron’s Natural Beauty

Nature surrounds Sopron, making it a pot full of activities for those who love outdoor life. Situated just southwards of town area, Lővérek Hills offers picturesque paths going through thick oak-pine woods serving as a recreational spot. Being part of the Sopron Mountains, these hills are protected nature reserves with rich flora and fauna. It’s only a relaxed walk to some beautiful viewpoints and clearings where you can have a peaceful picnic.

For those who enjoy water sports, Lake Fertő (Neusiedler See), which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is close by. This steppe lake in central Europe represents the border between Hungary and Austria; it presents opportunities for sailing, windsurfing and bird watching. Charming villages line its shores each with its own history and character.

Culture and Cuisine

Sopron has a lively cultural scene that includes many festivals throughout the year. The Sopron Wine Festival attracts numerous people who come to sample different brands of red Kékfrankos wines which are famous all over this area. These happenings also involve eating Hungarian food like goulash or pörkölt.

If you go to Sopron there is no way you will not eat local dishes. There are several restaurants here that serve conventional Hungarian meals including among others gulyás (goulash) or pörkölt (“meaty” stew). To match your hearty Hungarian diet do not ignore local wines, especially the above mentioned Kékfrankos.

The City of Loyalty and Beauty

Being called “Most Faithful City” today does not only tell about past but actually outlines the town’s present state long maintained traditional heritage intact forever. Whether tourists wander around medieval streets, hike through mountains behind or just sip wine produced locally on its balconies, Sopron provides an intriguing mix of nature, culture and history, which makes it one of the most beautiful places in Hungary.

Sopron is a city that perfectly balances the past and the present, which enables tourists to feel Hungary’s interesting history while still enjoying modern facilities. Regardless of whether one is an enthusiast of history or nature or just intends to have a quiet holiday; Sopron should be among the places to visit.


to merge egyesíteni
faithful hűséges
inhabitants lakosok
destination célállomás
stroll séta
to preserve megőrizni
architecture építészet
to define meghatározni
intact épségben
arguably vitathatatlanul
observation deck kilátóterasz
awe-inspiring lenyűgöző
to display megmutatni
era korszak
to bear significance jelentőséget hordozni
religious practices vallási gyakorlás
steeple templomtorony
refined interior kifinomult belső tér
picturesque festői
oak-pine tölgy és fenyő
recreational spot üdülőhely
protected nature reserves természetvédelmi területek
clearings tisztások 
to sample kóstolni
to involve valamivel jár
conventional hagyományos
hearty diet kiadós étkezés
to ignore figyelmen kívül hagyni
above mentioned fent említett
to outline felvázolni
to maintain heritage örökséget megőrizni
to wander bolyongani
to sip kortyolni
intriguing érdekes, izgalmas
to enable lehetővé tenni
facilities létesítmények
regardless of függetlenül attól
enthusiast lelkes rajongó
to intend to szándékában áll