to be wise beyond their years
definition: to have more knowledge and experience than most people at their age
magyarul: a korához képest bölcs; koraérett
example: He has always been wise beyond his years since he was a little boy. – Kisfiúkora óta mindig is koraérett volt.
knowledge is power
definition: knowledge has the ability to conquer the world and change circumstances; the more one knows, the more one will be able to control events
magyarul: a tudás hatalom
example: Even if you don’t understand why you have to learn so much information at school it may come in handy sometime in life. Knowledge is power, you know. – Még ha nem is érted, miért kell annyi információt megtanulnod az iskolában, valamikor az életben még jól jöhetnek. Tudod, a tudás hatalom.
a walking encyclopaedia
definition: a person who is very knowledgeable about a lot of subjects
magyarul: eleven/élő lexicon
example: You don’t need to be a walking encyclopaedia these days. You can find almost everything on the Internet, just a click away. – Manapság már nem szükséges egy embernek élő lexikonnak lennie. Szinte minden megtalálható az interneten, mindössze egy kattintásnyira.
it’s common knowledge
definition: information that is well-known to everyone
magyarul: ez mindenki számára világos; mindenki tudja/tisztában van vele
example: It’s common knowledge that John and Mary belong to each other. They are a happy couple. – Mindenki tudja, hogy John és Mary egymáshoz tartoznak. Boldog párt alkotnak.
to know someone/something inside out
definition: to know someone or something very well
magyarul: úgy ismeri, mint a saját tenyerét; ismeri kívül-belül
example: Polly and Paula have been friends since kindergarten, so they know each other inside out. – Polly és Paula óvodás koruk óta barátok, így ismerik egymást kívül-belül.
to know which way the wind is blowing
definition: to wait and see and collect more information about something before making a decision
magyarul: tudni, hogy merről fúj a szél; tudni, hogy hogy járnak a szelek
example: I will ask around for information about all the candidates before voting at the elections. It’s better to know which way the wind is blowing beforehand. – Tájékozódni fogok minden jelöltről mielőtt szavazok a választásokon. Jobb előre tudni, hogy hogy járnak a szelek.
to stay in the know
definition: to be informed about the most recent developments or be aware of what is happening
magyarul: tájékozottnak maradni; nem veszteni el a fonalat
example: Stay in the know about the job, please, even if you are on holiday for a few days. – Kérlek, hogy ne veszítsd el a fonalat a feladattal kapcsolatban, még ha szabadságon is leszel pár napig!
to know something like the back of your hand
definition: to be very familiar with something or know it in detail
magyarul: ismeri, mint a tenyerét
example: I’ve been to London so many times that I know it like the back of my hand. – Annyiszor voltam már Londonban, hogy úgy ismerem, mint a tenyeremet.
a pearl of wisdom
definition: something that sounds very wise or helpful; a piece of valuable advice
magyarul: igazi bölcsesség; bölcs tanács
example: My uncle shared a pearl of wisdom about the situation I am in right now, although I hadn’t asked for his opinion. – A nagybátyám bölcs tanácsot adott a jelenlegi helyzetemmel kapcsolatban, bár nem kérdeztem a véleményét.
the wisdom of Solomon
definition: an exceptional amount of wisdom
magyarul: Salamon (minden) bölcsessége; nagy bölcsesség
example: If you wanted to have the solution for this impossible situation you would need the wisdom of Solomon. – Ennek a lehetetlen helyzetnek a megoldásához Salamon minden bölcsességére lenne szükséged.
1.These expressions are all from the definitions of the idioms. Which idiom can you connect to them?
1. a piece of valuable advice
2. more knowledge and experience than
3. exceptional amount of
4. to conquer the world
5. well-known to everyone
6. very knowledgeable
7. wait and see
8. know something very well
9. know it in detail
10. be aware of what is happening
2.These expressions sound like idioms but there is something wrong with each of them. Can you correct them?
1. a walking lexicon
2. to know something like the palm of your hand
3. it’s communal knowledge
4. to be wise over their age
5. a jewel of wisdom
6. to know which hole the wind is blowing from
7. to stay in the knowledge
8. to know something in and out
9. knowing is powerful
10. the wise men of Solomon
1.a pearl of wisdom
2. to be wise beyond their age
3. the wisdom of Solomon
4. knowledge is power
5. it’s common knowledge
6. a walking encyclopaedia
7. to know which way the wind is blowing
8. to know someone/something inside out
9. to know something like the back of your hand
10. to stay in the know
1.a walking encyclopaedia
2. to know something like the back of your hand
3. it’s common knowledge
4. to be wise beyond their years
5. a pearl of wisdom
6. to know which way the wind is blowing
7. to stay in the know
8. to know something inside out
9. knowledge is power
10. the wisdom of Solomon