Does Your Dog Love You? – Vajon szeret a kutyád?

Honnan tudod, hogy szeret a kutyád? A következő cikkben – amelyhez videó is tartozik – mindent elolvashatsz, természetesen angolul, szószedettel.

Does your dog love you? Sometimes it can be difficult to tell. Humans don’t naturally understand dog body language. This is because it isn’t identical to human body language. For example, most dogs don’t enjoy hugs as humans do. So, it can be hard to tell what they’re thinking. Because of this, you sometimes have to learn what their signals mean. Here are eight different behaviors your dog may use to show they love you: 

Does your dog like to give you kisses? Dogs love to give kisses. Your dog may like to lick your face, or they may lick your hands instead. If your dog enjoys giving you kisses, this is a sure sign that they love you. 

Does your dog bow in front of you? When a dog stretches out their front legs and lifts up their butt, the stretch resembles a little bow. Of course, this sometimes means, “I want to stretch before we play.” At other times, it’s a show of respect. Finally, of course, it can mean your dog loves you.

Does your dog want to sleep in your bed? Certainly, some dog trainers believe this is a show of dominance. But more often than not, it just means your dog trusts you. It can also mean they want to be close to you. This is a good sign. 

Does your dog wag his tail when you approach? If a dog wags his tail as you approach, this suggests they’re excited to see you. This is a great sign suggesting that they love you. 

Does your dog maintain eye contact? Indeed, looking into your eyes is one way your dog may try to bond with you. This should not be attempted with a dog you don’t know. This is because a dog that doesn’t know you may view eye contact as a challenge. But a dog that knows you will use eye contact to get close to you. Scientists know that sustained eye contact between dogs and their humans unleashes a hormone in both that is associated with love. Sustained eye contact is a very good sign that your dog loves you. 

Does your dog blink at you? Just like cats, dogs sometimes use blinking during eye contact to show goodwill. Indeed, it means that they desire peaceful interaction with you. If your dog blinks as you engage in eye contact, this is an additional sign that they love you. 

Does your dog like to be near you? Some dogs enjoy snuggling more than others. If your dog doesn’t enjoy snuggling, you shouldn’t necessarily take this as a sign that they don’t love you. But a dog that loves you will want to be near you. This could mean sitting in your lap, resting beside you on the couch, or sitting near your feet on the floor. 

Does your dog sit on your feet? Sometimes a dog will try to sit on your feet. This may seem a little confusing at first. The good news is, it just means they want to be close to you. As already established, wanting to be close to you is a sure sign that your dog loves you. 

Dogs are fascinating creatures. Since they cannot talk to us, it is sometimes hard to figure out how they’re feeling. But they find all kinds of ways to show love. Just knowing a little bit about their body language and signals should be reassuring. If you answered yes to some of these questions, you should feel secure in the knowledge that your dog does indeed love you. 

by Christina Fish


identical to azonos valamivel
hug ölelés
hard to tell nehéz megmondani
signal jel, jelzés
behaviour viselkedés
to lick nyalni, nyalogatni
instead helyette, e helyett
to stretch out kinyújtózni, nyújtózkodni
butt fenék
to resemble hasonlítani valamire
respect tisztelet
dominance dominancia
to trust bízni, megbízni
to wag its tail csóválja a farkát
approach megközelítés
to suggest javasolni
indeed valóban
to bond with kötődni, kötődés kialakítani
should not be attempted nem szabad megkísérelni
challenge kihívás
to sustain fenntartani
to unleash felszabadítani
to blink pislogni
goodwill jószándék
to desire vágyakozni
peaceful békés
interaction interakció, kölcsönhatás
to engage elköteleződni
additional sign további jel
to snuggle összebújni
confusing zavaros
as already established … ahogy azt már megállapították
fascinating creatures lenyűgöző lények
to figure out megtudni, rájönni
reassuring megnyugtató