HEALTH AND FITNESS: Brainpower: What Is the Best Diet for Brain Health?

A táplálkozás nagyon fontos minden szervük megfelelő működéséhez, nem kivétel ez alól az agyunk sem. Olvad el – természetesen angolul, szószedettel -, hogy milyen ételek serkentik az agyműködést! Tettem hozzá neked videót is.

You probably recognize that your diet affects your physical fitness but might not consider its impact on your brain health. As you age, changes in your brain influence your ability to think and process information. Eating a brain-friendly diet can help you avoid cognitive decline.

Foods that boost brainpower

Fatty fish

Salmon, tuna, herring, and sardines are terrific sources of omega-3 fatty acids which aid learning and memory. As you get older, your brain’s gray matter shrinks. But the good news is that omega-3s boost the volume of gray matter and could help you retain healthy brain functioning. If you don’t eat fish, you can get omega-3 fatty acids from a plant-based source such as algae.


Eggs are cost-effective ingredients for a brain-friendly diet. They contain choline that helps the brain stay healthy and reduces inflammation. Choline is also known for assisting cell-to-cell communication in the brain and is beneficial for memory processing.


Berries such as blackberries, strawberries, and blueberries contain brain-boosting nutrition. They’re also a fantastic source of antioxidants that fend off free radicals, reduce the impact of aging, and protect the brain. Studies show that including lots of blueberries in your diet is especially helpful for healthy brain functioning.

Leafy greens

Leafy greens like spinach and kale contain brain-protective vitamin K, vitamin E, and folate. Vitamin K boosts memory functioning and cognition, and vitamin E guards against cognitive decline caused by free radicals as people age. Folate might help stave off Alzheimer’s disease since low folate levels are linked to brain functioning decline in the elderly.

Dark chocolate

Because dark chocolate contains cocoa, it’s rich in flavonoids, rich compounds that gather in brain regions that assist memory and learning. Flavonoids can oust brain fog, increase brain functioning, and reduce the effects of aging on cognition.

Seeds and nuts

Seeds and nuts contain brain-healthy fats that help to restore brain cells and single neurons. In addition, the memory-boosting zinc and stress-busting magnesium contained in them are terrific for mood and memory.

Vitamin E in nuts reduces cognitive decline by protecting brain cell membranes, which is essential after age 30 when the brain contracts. In addition, seeds are great for emotional health because they aid the production of tryptophan, the happy hormone.

Whole grains

Swapping refined carbohydrates for whole grains can help the brain function well. Refined carbohydrates are unhealthy for cognition because of the speed the body breaks them down into sugar; too much sugar isn’t brain or body-friendly.

Since whole grains allow for slow sugar release, the impact of the sugar isn’t so severe. You can gradually work off complex carbohydrates like whole grains without damaging your brain.

Two beverages that boost brainpower


Food regulation authorities say coffee can be part of a brain-healthy diet. The caffeine coffee contains can aid concentration, boost alertness, reduce depression, and improve mood.

Too much might affect sleep, so many people prefer to drink coffee during the first half of the day. But overall, it’s far more helpful than harmful, reducing the risk of stroke and Alzheimer’s disease.

Green tea

Green tea can activate brain areas concerning memory, help with learning, and protect brain cells. It also reduces the damaging effects of anxiety and stress on the brain with the help of L-Theanine, a blood-brain barrier crossing amino acid.

If you want to optimize your brain power and reduce cognitive decline, it helps to consume brain-friendly foods and beverages. You’ll also benefit from avoiding too many refined carbohydrates and watching your sugar intake. Instead, consume a healthy diet; your brain will likely work well for longer.

by Bridget Webber


to consider megfontolni valamit
to have an impact on hatással lenni valamire
ability to képesség arra, hogy
cognitive decline kognitív hanyatlás
fatty acids zsírsavak
to aid segíteni
gray matter szürkeállomány
to shrink összezsugorodni
to retain megtartani
cost-effective költséghatékony
to reduce inflammation csökkenteni a gyulladást
to fend off kivédeni
free radicals szabad gyökök
kale kelkáposzta
folate folsav
to stave off távol tartani, megelőzni
to oust kiszorítani
to swap something for something kicserélni valamit valamire
refined carbohydrates finomított szénhidrátok
 whole grains teljes kiőrlésű gabonafélék
to boost alertness fokozni az éberséget
to reduce depression csökkenteni a depressziót
to improve mood javítani a hangulatot
harmful káros