What is a Business Casual Dress Code? – Mit takar a “business casual” dress code?

Számos munkahelyen, hivatalos vagy félhivatalos eseményen dress code-ot írnak elő, de vajon mit is takar ez. Erről szól a cikk, videós tippekkel. 

When you change fields or start a new job, you might need to start following a casual dress code. At first, the idea of donning comfortable clothes at work may seem straightforward and pleasant. But then you may ask yourself, “What is casual work attire?” Of course, you don’t want to turn up for work in the wrong outfit, but don’t worry; these tips will help you get it right.

What’s the difference between business casual and regular business attire?

A business casual dress code is like regular business wear but with a few minor changes that make outfits more relaxed. Smart, unlike informal, business outfits include suits and ties. But when you dress casually, you adopt a slightly more laid-back approach.

Nonetheless, when you choose casual business wear, it’s best not to take your favorite slouchy outfit out of the wardrobe and hope to rock your style at the office.

Above all, avoid flip-flops, open-toed sandals, shorts, ripped jeans, and T-shirts with offensive slogans or stains. Also, steer clear of clothing that’s too tight, short, or revealing.

If you are about to start a new job, note what other employees at the company wore when you attended your interview. You can also check whether the business you work for has its casual dress code guidelines printed online if they have a website.

Business casual dress code basics

Typically, business casual dress code basics for men include:

  • Neutral-colored, button-down short sleeve shirts
  • Sweaters
  • Collared shirts
  • Sports coats
  • Semi-formal pants, dark navy or black jeans, and dress slacks
  • Loafers, lace-up shoes, and dark leather shoes

Business casual dress code basics for women include:

  • Pencil skirts
  • Dress pants
  • Knee-length skirts
  • Elegant shirts and vests
  • Blazers
  • Turtlenecks
  • Casual dresses
  • Block color sheath dresses

While dressing to abide by a business casual dress code isn’t rocket science, it can be confusing. For example, there’s a fine line between acceptable informal wear and clothing a company might consider too laid-back. If in doubt, ask if there’s a company policy regarding suitable casual work clothes. You’ll appear conscientious, and you will also know for sure what’s expected of you.


to change fields szakterületet váltani
to don comfortable clothes kényelmes ruhát viselni
straightforward egyszerű
to turn up for work megjelenni a munkahelyen
outfit viselet
minor changes kisebb változtatások
smart elegáns
laid-back approach laza megközelítés
nonetheless mindazonáltal
to avoid elkerülni valamit
flip-flops flip-flop papucs
open-toed sandals nyitott orrú szandálok
ripped jeans szakadt farmer
offensive slogan sértő szlogen
stain folt
to steer clear of kerülni valamit
revealing sokat sejltető
loafer belebújós cipő
lace-up shoes fűzős cipő
turtleneck garbó
to abide maradni valaminél
acceptable elfogadható
conscientious lelkiismeretes