SZÓBELI VIZSGÁK – Playtime in school

Szeptember az iskolakezdés hónapja, ezért most ezzel kapcsolatban nézünk meg egy szóbeli tételt párbeszéddel és szószedettel. 

School starts again in September and kids have to stay cooped up indoors for long hours after the freedom of the summer holiday. They long for fresh air and everyone is eager to go out to the schoolyard in the breaks or at playtime. Well-equipped schoolyards usually have a play area or a proper playground where the kids can run around and play. When the school bell signals the end of the lesson the kids stream out of their classrooms to let off some stream before the next lesson starts. They are usually full of energy and play boisterously. Modern playground equipment can provide a lot of fun for them. They can clamber on the climbing frame/jungle gym or the monkey bars, can slide down the slide, swing in the swings or play pretend games in the playhouse.  Or they can join in ball games or chasing games like tag. Boys most typically play football but if there is a backboard kids can shoot a basket. Hide and seek is a popular game with lots of possible hiding places in a schoolyard. Lower primary kids often play skipping or clapping games while reciting skipping or clapping rhymes or play throwing and catching. Skipping ropes, hula hoops, scooters and stilts are also popular as well as hopscotch. Upper primary kids no longer play, they usually just hang out chatting in the breaks or play on their phones. Playtime allows children to socialize and interact with their peers in a relaxed setting. They can form friendships, share stories, and engage in conversations.

Playtime is usually supervised by teachers or other school staff members to ensure the safety and well-being of the students. They may also facilitate games or activities to encourage positive interactions. The teachers on playground duty make sure that everything is in order and that no rough play is going on.  They encourage the children to play nicely together and take turns with the play equipment. They pay attention so that nobody is bullied or excluded. More and more schools nowadays have a so-called buddy bench where a child can sit when he or she feels lonely and would like to find a buddy to play with. At playtime, kids learn to share, take turns, resolve disputes, and communicate effectively with their peers.

For schoolkids it’s good to play outdoors in all weathers, however, in heavy rain they have to stay indoors and try to pass playtime in the classrooms or on the school corridors in a sensible way.



Hey, wanna play tag? I’ll be the tagger first!
Sure, sounds fun! You’re it!
Gotcha! (chases the boy around the playground)
Whoa, you’re fast! (tries to dodge and weave)
I almost got you! Come here!
Ha-ha, not so easy! (runs toward the jungle gym)
(laughs) I’m gonna catch you!
(giggles) Not if I can help it! (quickly climbs up the jungle gym) Let’s see if you catch me now!
Aw, you’re up there. But you can’t stay there forever!
(sticks out tongue playfully) Watch me! I’m the jungle gym king now!
Okay, fine. I’ll find someone else to tag then!
(climbs down) Wait, I wanna play again! Tag, you’re it!
Ha-ha, alright! You’re in for it now! (starts chasing the boy)
(runs toward the swings) Can’t catch me!
(chasing closely) Oh yes, I can! (pretends to lunge but the boy expertly dodges)
Ha-ha, you missed me by a mile!
(grinning) I’m just getting started!
(hops onto a swing) Ha! Can’t tag me when I’m swinging!
Hmm, we’ll see about that! (waits for the boy to swing back)
Whee! This is so much fun!
(grinning) Here I come! (waits for the right moment and tags the boy as the swing comes back)
Hey, it’s not fair! I was swinging!
Rules are rules! You’re it now!
Fine, but I’m the fastest tagger ever!
We’ll see about that! (takes off running)



Wanna play tag?Akarsz fogócskázni?         

You’re it!Te vagy a fogó!

Gotcha! – Elkaplak! Megvagy!

I almost got you!  – Majdnem elkaptalak!

Not if I can help it!  – Nem, ha rajtam múlik!

You can’t stay there forever! – Nem maradhatsz ott örökre!

I’m the jungle gym king. – Én vagyok a mászóka királya!

You’re in for it now!  – Szóval játszol megint!

Can’t catch me! – Nem tudsz elkapni!

You missed me by a mile! – Mérföldekre voltál tőlem! Közelembe sem értél!

I’m just getting started! – Még csak most jön a java!

We’ll see about that!  – Majd meglátjuk!

Here I come!  – Jövök!

Rules are rules!  – A szabály az szabály!

takes off running eliramodik



tagger – fogó

to chase – üldözni, kergetni

to dodge – cselezni, kitérni

to weave – kanyarodni, kígyózni

jungle gym – mászóka

to giggle – kuncogni

to stick out sb’s tongue – kinyújtani a nyelvét

swing – hinta

to pretend – úgy tenni, mintha

to lunge – előrelendülni

expertly – mesterien

to grin – vigyorogni

to hop – ugrani

to tag – megfogni

to swing – hintázni


cooped up bezárva
to long for vágyakozni
to be eager to alig várja, hogy
schoolyard iskolaudvar
break szünet
to run around futkározni
school bell iskolai csengő
to signal jelezni
to let off some steam kiereszteni a gőzt
boisterously élénken, energikusan, vadul
to clamber mászni
climbing frame/jungle gym mászóka
monkey bars mászóka
to slide down lecsúszni
slide csúszda
to swing hintázni
swing hinta
pretend game szerepjáték
chasing game fogócskázós játék
tag fogócska
backboard kosárlabda palánk
to shoot a basket kosárra dobálni
hide and seek bújócska
hiding place búvóhely
lower primary kids alsósok
skipping game ugrálós játék
clapping game tapsolós játék
to recite mondani, szavalni
skipping/clapping rhyme mondóka
throwing and catching labdázás
skipping rope ugrálókötél
hula hoop hullahopp karika
scooter roller
stilts gólyaláb
hopscotch ugróiskola
upper primary kids felsősök
to hang out lógni
peer kortárs
to engage in conversations beszélgetésbe bonyolódni
to supervise felügyelni
to ensure biztosítani
to facilitate elősegíteni
rough play durvulás, vadulás
to take turns felváltva csinálni valamit
to be bullied terrorizálják, bántják
to be excluded kiközösítik
buddy bench barát/játszótárs kereső pad
buddy barát, társ
to resolve megoldani
dispute vita
in all weathers mindenféle időjárási körülmények közepette
corridor folyosó